I don't know if the Mustang II is the same or not. I really don't care what vehicle the oil pan came from, as long as it's front sump. I did find a guy on a Pinto forum that has one that he describes as being in "like new" condition. But he wants $75 for the pan and $15 for the pickup, + shipping... I only gave $250 for the whole engine... Makes me sick to think of how many of these I have probably walked right on past in the junkyard in the past few years, where I can get them for like $15... There are two Pintos in the Pull-A-Part in Augusta, GA. But they are '78 and '79, which I don't know if the pan is the same, and I don't know if they even have 2.3's in them. Hate to drive all the way over there and not find what I'm looking for.
If you get a set of Brazilian mounts it might be a good idea to measure and blueprint them so someone here can maybe reproduce them.
Jamie I went and looked at the Ranger a few minutes ago, it's a rear sump so no good for you. Didn't see the Alt bracket, either. I'll keep my eyes open and see if I run across anything.
Heck, if I can get my hands on a set, I'd be willing to loan them out to Joe or someone like that to use to make reproductions. I'd love to have another set. Thanks Bobby. I'm not going to NC this weekend to work on the car, since I have just used all this weekend to hunt for parts. But I have been really curious as to how well that '93 Mustang air filter box and everything will fit in a Maverick. It mounts in the factory battery location of a Maverick, which isn't a problem because I plan to put the battery in the trunk anyways. I pulled the battery out of my '72 daily beater this morning and stuck it in there. It appears it's going to fit great! Check out the pics below. All I have to do is drill a couple of holes in the apron, and it will literally just bolt right in place.. the first pic shows where the air enters the air box, which falls right behind those three vertical openings in the radiator support, so cool air will be able to get right in there. That large plastic thing in between the two rubber intake hoses is a muffler. On all the Mustang and Ranger sites I've been to so far, that is the first thing they recommend doing, is getting rid of that. Supposed to help performance and economy, and they say it gives the engine a little extra "growl" when you get on it. So basically, I just need to put the hose on the intake and measure the distance between the two rubber hoses, and get me a piece of tubing with the correct O.D. to go between. I think this is all going to come together real nice.
Hey Jamie, I found this thread in the allfordmustangs forums in which a guys asks if the Pinto's 2.3 is different than a Stang's 2.3. Then a Stang II owner tells him that there's no difference between them, you could look up for Stangs too at the junkyard to get the oil pan. Here's the link: http://www.allfordmustangs.com/forums/mustang-ii-tech/8977-there-any-difference-pinto-mustang.html
Yea, I'm a member on that forum, as well as corral.net, stangnet, and a few others (on my birthday every year, I get at least a couple dozen automated emails from forums wishing me happy birthday ). I think they are talking more in relation to the internals of the long block though. I don't see anywhere that they specifically say that the oil pan is the same. I'm going to go around to a few Mustang forums here in a bit and ask.
I've been following this for a while... had to register to post that I'm in the planning stages of a similar swap into my daily driver 65 mustang fastback. I too am looking for a pinto pan and a set of mounts from a brazilian 2.3 maverick would probably work for me too. looks great so far. Keep up the good work!! Darren
I went to a local Mustang builder and he said he scraps 2.3s all the time. Said next time he gets a good one I can have it for nothing, transmission included. This swap looks very cool to me.
Next thing you will know is the Tuner Crowd will be getting Mavericks, Falcons and Granadas for the ultimate low-budget Drift Machine. Any news about the oil pan Jamie???
I know it's not cheap but Canton does sell a front sump race pan for a 2.3 pinto motor. It's a little pricey at over $400 bucks and I guess you could only make left turns - Matt http://www.cantonracingproducts.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=11-920
Yea, I've seen that Canton pan. I have my doubts about it fitting in a Maverick though. Plus that's just way too rich for this swap. I'm trying to complete the swap for under $600. Currently have about $375 in it all together, including the engine. From what I can gather, the Mustang II's have a dual sump pan. The oil pump pickup is in the front sump, I wonder how hard it would be to just hack the smaller rear sump part off of it and weld a piece of flat steel over the hole? Matter of fact, I bet I could do the same thing to the oil pan off my '80 Capri... If it comes down to it, I'll just bite the bullet and spend $75 on that Pinto pan. I have a 4 day weekend this weekend. I'm not promising anything, but I am going to attempt to start the engine, and hope to be coming home Monday night with a video to throw up on you tube of it running. Again, no promises through. But I have pretty much everything I need now to try and do a quick test run. Darren!
When you are done make sure to post a list of all the parts needed to do this swap. I imagine the motor mounts are the hardest thing to acquire.
I agree that the price is way steep. I'm going to hit a few junkyards over the long weekend down in WV and will keep my eyes open for a pan for you. - Matt
Man, this EFI wiring is fun. I've got pretty much everything hooked up, but I have two plugs that come out of the harness by the EEC connector inside the car (well, they will be inside the car, right now they are just sitting on the fender with the computer). One of those plugs I have all figured out, it's a green rectangular plug and contains the the fuel pump power wire, HEGO power wire, and the rest of the wires are for the idiot lights and gauges in the instrument cluster of the Mustang. But this other plug I can't figure out. It's gray in color and round shaped, has two pink wires, one with a white hash and the other with an orange hash, and two purple wires, one with a blue hash and the other with a green hash. One of these wires has to be the one that goes to the switched 12V power, but I can't figure out which one it is, and I'm afraid to just start trying them because I don't want to burn anything up. So that's pretty much where I'm at right now. I've got the keep alive power and all that to the computer, but just can't figure out how to "turn it on"... wish I had the rest of the Mustang here right now. I'd rig up some fuel lines and try to start the thing if I could figure this out.