'78's and '79's have 2.3L motors in them - as standard, UNLESS they were fitted with 2.8 V6's (unlikely). I had a '79 wagon some years back with a 2.3. Chris
Well, it seems that gray plug I was talking about it is part of the air bag system. Since my sport wheel isn't air bag equipped I guess I'll be removing those plugs and wires from the harness. With the help of http://www.fordfuelinjection.com/?p=6, it all makes sense now. That brown connector #31 is the connector I actually need, it was hanging down under the car and I didn't even notice it. Problem is, the engine harness has the female end, but I don't have the male end that plugs into it, so I'm going to have to go back to the junkyard south of Atlanta to get that, and I'm currently in NC. I love these gas prices.
Yep, that's it. Being a '93, it had the single air bag in the steering wheel. On that green connector in your pic, am I safe in assuming that I can run the dark green wire with the yellow stripe straight to the positive wire on the fuel pump?
If I remember right that dark green\yellow wire is a ground signal from the ECU to activate the fuel pump relay in other words that goes to pin 85 on the fuel pump relay but that's easy to find out. just after you install all the plugs and the ign wire put a test light on that wire if it pulses on and off with out cranking if cranking should have a pulse while you're cranking that may also be a positive pulse if so goes to pin 86 then that's for sure the fuel pump rlay feeder don't run any to the pump with out the relay or something will burn ohhh now I remember the pump relay is under the driver's seat that's right so do get a relay to run the pump
hmmm... just check the wire by turning the key in ignition, if the test light turns on for 3 seconds then it's the ground signal for the fuel pump relay, just like Chirt said BTW, I found this the other day: http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=146592&page=7 The guy says that the 2.3 from the Pinto and Mustang II is front sump.
Ah, so instead of switching the +12v side of the relay, it switches the ground side on and off? I've got a few misc. relays laying around, I would guess a 30 amp would be more then enough?
Yes 30 amp is good. i'm 95% sure that's a ground (-)signal but to be sure just check it out! I remember of a red\blue wire being the ign (+) pin 86 feeding the relay
Well, I have successfully got the EFI system powered up!!! There is a single red wire with green stripe in that brown connector. Touched that to the battery, and bam! got a series of clicks from the relay box, and the IAB valve on the throttle body clicks for some reason. That dark green wire with yellow stripe, I am getting +12 volts from it for about the first three seconds after you turn the key on, then it drops down to +6 volts? I have the fuel pump sitting on the ground next to the car with the hoses just looped into a gas can, and it runs the entire time the key is on when hooked to that wire through a relay? I've been poking around with my test light, and can't seem to find any wires other then that? I have the ALT light rigged up as the check engine light temporarily. I grounded the STI port and it is flashing codes KOEO. I tried counting them like it says on that Ford Fuel Injection site, but man that's about impossible. It's hard to keep track of how many times it flashes and write it down at the same time, it only gives you a couple of seconds or so between each series of flashes. I'm going to have to just get one of those scanners to pull the codes.
I've got the OTC Enhanced system. I have the cables and cartridges for everything American from 1983 through 2000.
Jamie, if it's the same (original Maverick) wire that is dropping in voltage as the one I had problems with, I'd find a different +12V source (lug/wire). edit: see the correct way to do it from Chirt below. We had the exact same problem with my EFI. It took (my buddies) days to figure that one out. Good luck. Sounds like you're almost there! edit: here's link to the discussion http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?p=196057&highlight=%22drop+voltage%22#post196057