ok if you getting +12 for three seconds that's fine so you hook that up to the pin 86 on your relay the rest you know on pin 30 wire hook a wire from +battery,,on pin 87 hook a wire that will go to +fuel pump,, on pin 85 just hook it to a good ground and you're all set
Thanks Rick, that thread helps with several things. It's not the original Maverick coil wire I'm talking about. It's a dark green wire with a yellow stripe that comes out of the ECU. Everything I can find says it's for the fuel pump, but it's not, the fuel pump just runs continuously when connected to that wire. It looks like the real wire I'm looking for can be found in the EEC test plug. We have to remember my engine does not have a distributor, it has the DIS ignition with coil packs, so the TFI wiring and all that doesn't apply. My engine has a crank shaft sensor that sets everything into motion when the computer detects that the engine is rotating.
i suspect that that wire is the wire that the computer uses to sense if the fuel pump is powered up. my 87 need this wire added to it when i converted it to mass air. i dont know if the 2.3 uses this but it should. you can probly find the v8 wireing harness diagrams online really easy. the fuel pump circut should be the same.
Jamie, do you have the diagrams for that engine??? If not, maybe I could get them from my school. I gotta ask my teacher if he could lend me some diagrams. The engine was in a '93 Mustang, right???
No, I don't have any sort of diagrams. Just going by what I can figure out with my test light, volt meter, continuity tester, what I can find online (mostly 5.0 stuff), and what I can figure out by trial and error. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I'm going to try and start the thing. Even if I have to run the fuel pump straight off the battery, I just want to hear it run.
Houston, we have ignition! Well, the good news is, with a mixture of PB Blaster and starting fluid sprayed in the intake, it starts up, runs for 3-4 seconds, and dies. I'm not a big fan of running engines on starting fluid, but I was just dieing to see if it would do anything.. The bad news is, I will in fact have to make a trip back south of Atlanta to the junkyard to get a few odds and ends before I can get the fuel pump and return line hooked up. So it's not going to be "really" running today. I'm still in NC right now, about to start heading back towards ATL. I'm still debating on weather to come back up tomorrow and actually try to get it running, or wait till next weekend. I'm pretty happy with where I've got with it this weekend, figuring out most of the wiring and getting it to actually fire up.
That's great news man! I'll try to get the diagrams just in case you need em later. I hope next weekend we can see a video of the car running.
<~~~ subscribing to the thread. Im not interested in doing the swap (no comet/maverick ), but curious as to how it comes out.
Jamie...I found these wiring diagrams that might help you and posted them on my server: http://www.maverickcomet.com/EFI/23L1.pdf http://www.maverickcomet.com/EFI/23L2.pdf http://www.maverickcomet.com/EFI/23L3.pdf
Oh man, you have no idea how much that helps! Just what I've been looking for. THANKS!! I have run into one issue I'm not sure how I'm going to solve. It's my understanding that the VSS (vehicle speed sensor) is basically mandatory for the car to run correctly, the car will supposedly stall out and stuff when coasting to a stop without it. The problem is, the VSS mounts in the same place as the Maverick's speedometer cable in the tail shaft of the trans. I'm pretty hard set on using the original Maverick speedometer. I really don't want any digital gauges or anything like that. I'm not sure what I'm going to do.