I went to Lowes today and found plugs that fit fine in the exhaust and in the plate. Also made a plate to cover the end of the carb. plate. I think it will make the car look much better!!
Years ago, I transplanted a 250 from a later Maverick into my 71. The 250 had an EGR that I blocked off. I ran the stock 250 carb and had issues with a lean mixture causing detination and valve guide wear. It is my understanding that the EGR carbs are jetted leaner to compensate for the unburnt gasses that are being brought back into the engine from the EGR.
Mine has had the egr off of it for years and I've never had pinging or any running issues. ( actually, it runs much better! ) I'm not saying all the rbs carbs are like mine and some may have lean issues. I'm right at sea level so maybe I got a carb that came from a higher elevation! I bought it years ago ( used ), rebuilt it and have had no problems since ( except heat soak and I think all the small 6's have that problem ) Edit: I think I got that backwards! A higher elevation carb would have to be leaner, so maybe that's what you have.