Yep...that too!! But there are two camps in that squad: 1. Say what they are building, never show pictures, never show results, just lots of hot air. 2. Those that go out and do it and can PROVE it.
Here is a better picture of the engine BLUE paint. This was a picture I took to show where the VIN is stamped in the back of the engine block. Told you it was blue.
Looks very nice Craig....I went to your web site and all I can say is Wow I wish I had the pacience to make a stock mav
ok, black hole society.. I can deal with that two camps?..sure I 'spose... trying to call me out .... I have pics, I dont know that I've directly said what I'm doing, dont believe so, at least not the overall concept.yes minor details,..but nothing big. so I guess the hot air squad is out, yep, I'm building a 72, no not showing pics,results are what they are. it aint done, so no pics and yes, there are a few selected people that have seen pics, and a few that have seen it in person. so, I guess I'm proving it,... slower than some would like possibly, but I dont have the $ that many do to get it done quicker. I guess the only way to solve this is to ignore it now please,.... back to the topic and quit hi-jacking your own thread
Not calling you out Chris. As you haven't directly said what you are doing. I would place you more in the second camp....because you are just DOING it. I am calling out no one in particular on this board. I am calling out those people you run into at a car show. Telling you how great their car is in the garage....or how great there car is GOING to be, etc, Always talking about it for YEARS and YEARS. Also, those that say their car is putting out x amount of horsepower...but NEVER had it on a dyno. They are just going off of a bunch of numbers they contructed and added up in their head, plus add in a dash of optimism.
man that car is gonna be sweet when finished. i just looked at your page.. and i must say.. WOW! good job.. keep up the good work