Also, what I want to do is cut a hole in the grabber hood and have a raised up shaker for the air cleaner, but not use a supercharger because its my daily driver, how would you guys suggest that i get that extra lift up?
first thing i would suggest is you not cut up a grabber hood. they are too hard to come by. you'll be sorry later on.
It's your hood and you can do what you please ... However, if it is a rust free Grabber hood you will take a hood worth $500 and make it worth $75 .... If it's rusted out ... cut and chop away ....
im probably just gonna take the hood i have and put the scoops on it and the one i have has the usual bein rusted out on the lip like most
Ok, this is going to be my first time ever building an engine or even doing anything bigger than replacing valve stems (im still learning this stuff im only 16). I need to know about how much difficult work is involved in building the engine if i build it with just a crate 302 block, or if i would be better off getting an old 302 and rebuilding it and puting my new parts in it during the rebuild? Also whats an estimate of how much this would cost plus a t-5 transmission if i did all of the building and everything except for machining myself?
I was thinking the T5... A bunch of us run T5's. I've beat the crap out of mine with no problems. Lonnie has a blown 302 in front of his. The early models had some strength issues, especially when power shifting 3rd gear. If you get a early to mid 90s tranny you'll be ok. Do a search on here, there's a lot of info on how to do the swap.
motor?tranny? so, ya want to build a motor. cool. this was my first motor build. the whole story is some where under "technical". I say find an old 302 and build it up, and replace heads. Clean it clean it CLEAN it. even when it comes back from the machine shop. I've got a chilton's if ya need any torq specs. happy to send, may take a bit. speakin' of torq, buy a good torq wrench. remember to unload after use. If ya can find a junk mav with 302/c4 its good for parts. my is C4 with shiftkit. I cringe at the idea of trying to run shiftrods and clutch stuff on my 71 (with headers). if ya go auto, get a tranny cooler. my tranny burned it's self up . so now im waiting for a new one. I MISS MY CAR. ESP NOW THAT I CAN DRIVE IT HOW IT SHOULD BE (due to weather)
I get 19-21 MPG highway with my Maverick. key is go after modifications that make the engine more efficient. Like roller cam, roller rockers, electric fan & electric fuel pump. keep the carb and cam size moderate and you can get 10-15 easily. I make around 300 HP as a conservative guess at the flywheel. Overdirve helps,. but you can do the saem with tall gears. I have 4.11s with my overdrive, so it's more like 3.00s without it. But I still got about 19 HWY withe my four speed and 3.70s.
i spent a little over 1500 on the rebuild parts, engine work, carb, then i spent $800 on some little things. radiator, water pump, battey etc.. then $800 on the MSD ignition system rebuilding a motor is not hard to do, but it is tedious. you have to make sure that your bolts are all tight, everything is at the correct clearances, then you need to double check it all again amd then triple check before closing the pan and intake. i suggest you but a small block 302 rebuild book from haynes. they are under $20 and will take you through it step by step and teaches you how to do it rather that show you how to do it. it will teach you for what to look for as far as damage and what not dont quote me on prices here, but they are estimated. certainly, if you have the money and would rather buy a short block., go for it. You can get a really good short block 302 for about $3000.00 and i think that they have really good HP and torque. then it goes up from there, 347 stroker complete is like $6500 and of course there are performance blocks but those are real expensive. you can rebuild an engine for less. but you do all the work. good luck
i dont have the money to buy a crate engine i was askin what would be the cheapest im poor. thanks for all your help guys
crate motors no offense intended, to those with crates, or those who prefer them i'm po also i feel that you'll learn more building your own, and it's kinda fun. one of the best investments ya can make is a full ballence job w/ align hone. good for motor life i know and a bit more power i think. check rods for twist/roundness if reusing. buy plasigage under $5. if ya can't afford new heads, saveup for like i did, or get new valves/springs/port&polish. roller rockers are another good investment(with guideplates if ya can use em) these will give a higher rpm potential before encountering power robbing valve "float/problems" i get 6-6.5k out of mine easily. also rollers steal less power via friction, and generate less heat. I used SB chevy aluminum 1.6:1 rollers. under $200 a set, with locks. willing to help any way i can with setups/ect/expected cost. feel free to pm/email. matt
building your own is fun and can be done in stages....and it makes you feel that mnuch better knowing that you built it yourself....and when you blow away the competition and they say what do you have under the hood, you can tell them and say i built it you like it? its a great feeling when people say, you built that ? cool!