Grab the intakes !!! If they are the egr type (3/4" hole in center between the 8 runners visible when upper is removed) they are great manifolds for the Mustang guys. Hint, hint .
so i just got back. theyre in my trunk and its raining like crazy so no pics till tomorrow. THEY LOOK GREAT! and the guy only charged me for one head, so i got the pair for 40 bucks and 6 hours of labor theyre from a 1996 eddie bauer ford explorer 4x4 heres what was left when i got done. i ended up using the upper intake as a jack stand lmao
See, around here the junkyard owners got smart and started pulling all the motors out of the 5.0 explorers. They know they're hot. I have searched my butt off trying to find one of those damn things!
wow, i'll have to take a pic of the row of explorers. i think this was the only one that had the GT40 non p heads tho. the otherw were either too new or too old
My first set of P heads looked worse than that and I stuck them on and ran them for 2 years. Check out the seals, make sure they are still rubbery and flexible. The "safe" and "correct" way to do this is to have the valves reground, new seals, new springs, and new locks. Mill down the heads a bit to make them flat. My mistake was not swapping the springs to handle a flat tappet running right at .500. That ate my cam and lifters. If you are running less, you may have no problem, but a change of springs to handle flat tappets wouldn't hurt, considering that these were made to run a roller cam and lifters, and might be too tight for flat tappets. Just making assumptions here...based on my past failure. Regardless, very good find and WONDERFUL price
so what do you suggest when i got cam shopping? just looking for something on the milder side thats not going to require alot of head work
Keep the cam well under .500. Which is mild-to-moderate. Fun, but leaving much to be desired. But, You will be happier if you put new springs, retainers, and locks on these heads. They are cheap. This will let you put in a bigger cam without issue. Talk to the cam distributor and they will recommend the correct springs.
:Handshake thanks for the valuable info. now i goin junkin. one more ? tho. the gt-40 head are still pedistal or bolt down and leave them alone rocker arms right? non-adjustable.
i did loosen my rockers so i could move them to the side and pull the push rods out. is there a tq spec for when i snug them back down?
17-23 ft/lbs when they are at rest, not under pressure of the pushrod. When both #1 cylinder rockers are at rest, at TDC, torque them down, then roll the engine until the next piston is at tdc and torque those two down, etc. This way you are not adding the pressure of the springs into the torque reading.