DOH!!! That was my mistake...I of course meant that the Ps are not desired... I will go back to that post and fix it now...
The p stands for pain in the Rear. The plugs are angled for detonation but WILL HIT MOST HEADERS> I made it work but WOULD NOT DOO IT AGAIN. $500 in 67 stand nickle tri ys drop bracket and a hammer . If you look at a stock p manifold it looks like a pile of noodles. Spend the money on the non p heads.
Mine worked, but I ended up using a second flange from a set of scrapped headers. Ground off all the header material leaving just the flat part. Gasket on both sides of it, then the 6901s. This gave me about 1/2" extra clearance. I also had to use Accel Shorty spark plugs at $13 EACH! Only ones I could find that fit that head. Then 90* hei boots on the plug end. All in all, ran really good, you just had to unmount the motor, lift it off the mounts and remove the driver side header, remove all the spacers and gaskets, etc, before you could even swap a plug or remove a plug wire. WAY too much work for spark plugs. With the NON-P heads, the plugs actually seem easier to get to then they were on the stock heads...
So do you still have the gt 40p in your car? cause i have them on mine with heddman hedders and i only used 90 degrees boots and bent the hedders a little but after running the engine in high rpms the boots fried So what should i do? what about the mav's original manifolds will they fit these heads in the mav?
Shorty plugs. Accel P526S, $16 each. That will give you another 3/8" clearance. Then I used a flange from an old header with the tubes cut out, and a gasket on each side, giving me another 3/8" or so. Almost an extra inch total, but still had to remove the header and jack up the engine to get to the plugs and boots. I swapped over to the NON-P GT40 heads for this reason.
I just orded 5 of them today! i hope it will work plus with the shorty plugs and another flange like scooper did.