Not a roller cam, and I have 10:0 to 1 compression, but glad the XE cam worked out better for ya. Fixed absolutely everything. Curves as she should and amazing power throughout now. Terry Walters did state that I was probably leaving close to 100 horses on the line since the Doug Herbert Dist wouldnt move from intial timing at all. This caused all sorts of problems I thought was from my Holley. Of course it flooded and ran like crap. Although, to be fair it wasn't doug herberts "distributor" it just came from them. It was a proform. Although DH did send me a 351 dist first then i had to ship it back to get a proper 302 dist since the saft size was different, so it was a hassle. So to sum it up, apparently I got the sneeze from proform that binded in the shaft, couldnt curve and was overall "defective" from factory. Even the vacuum advance diaphragm was plugged due to "shavings" from machining at factory.
^^^^ Its funny how you tend to rule out the new parts as being the culprit for your anguish. Its not always the used parts that fail.