Good job Bob!! You have your turn signals in the grill swapped. I did the same thing when I put my car together. You just need to take them off and switch them with each other.
nogo ,you mean the armrest console or the one in front of the shifter?thanx craig.soon as it cools off a little i'll go out there and change them.
BOTH! Mostly im interested in the front one. can you open it? can you take a few pix of it? it looks like it had a mav horn on it. very cool.:Handshake
console just keep your eyes on ebay for a while.all thats there now is this.and they do open. and the armrest one is held down with velcro.i hope this helps
YES SIR! I check that everyday b4 i check in on the forum. your door on your consolete looks like it has a maverick horn on it, is that right?
VERRRRY COOL! if you ever decide to get rid of it, let me know. but i dont see that happening anytime soon.
Were these pic taken at the Chicago Heights Show on Sat. 3rd? I had planned on coming to that show - but lost my flyer and forgot the date. Maybe we hookup sometime. U can PM me on some of the local events u attend. Vry nice job on the Mav.
very nice. I love the inside esp. the arm rest and front piece. love the old school cragars and side pipes too.
chicago heights thanx pong.mojo before yesterday i never thought my car was worthy of taking to a carshow.therefore yesterday was the proverbial popping of my car show cherry.i guess its proticall for coordinators of upcoming local car shows to either stick flyers under your wiper or toss them inside the car.i got 11 of them.if your serious and you want to hit a couple together drop me an email at and i'll go over some of them with you.i think some of the people couldnt handle seeing 2 cameros/vegas/mustangs and 65 pontiacs at the same show.