that does look very very good! how does it feel sitting back there though?? i took the back seat out of my 4door about 3 years ago and for the life of me i CAN NOT get it to go back in, i can either get one piece or the other, really frustrating, but now with my 2 door maybe i'll have to go mitsu scavenging.
Back seat feel? Who cares? I sit up front. Just kidding. Actually, it's not too bad since the seats go so deep you make up a lot of the legroom, but I'd say it would probably not be too comfortable for someone who is very big around. I'm a skinny guy myself, so no problem. One of the guys I work with is a big fella, I'll ask him to sit back there for a minute tomorrow and see how he likes it.
too busy today to do anything on the seats, but I did install a grant steering wheel last night. I was a bit worried about steering effort since I don't have power steering, but driving it around from the front of the shop to the back this morning wasn't bad. (the new wheel is a lot smaller)
Any suggestions on how the fronts work? I have a friend that has two of these and if they are almost a direct bolt in I might get them. My car is gutted so I guess the main concern would be seat height. Did you have any issues with that courier? Thanks Lox
The fronts are easy. Just set the hole in the bracket on the outside (toward door)front over the hole in the floor board and stick a bolt through it. Then use spacers (something more substantial than washers, I used 1/4 plates and stacked them as required) to level the rest of the seat out. Remember to end up with the front a bit higher than the back so the seat supports your legs. on my car the passenger side needed more than the drivers side so I used some heavy 1 1/2" square stock on that side and just dinked around until they both looked nice and level and even. I'm sure if you got out a measuring tape you'd find that I'm off a bit, but they look and feel fine to me. I try not to be too much of a perfectionist when it comes to custom stuff because I have a habit of never thinking it's good enough. Have fun with your install!
Courier11sec, thanks for sharing the info! The seats look great in your car, I will have to keep this in mind for the future!
A bit of progress. Got the rear seat belts taken care of coming up through the holes in the seat bottom like in the donor car, but retained the Maverick seat belts. Also put carpet in the car for the first time in its life, but I think I'd be happier with a molded carpet kit. If anyone is thinking about carpeting their car with the stuff that comes in a roll, it's a huge pain in the ass and in my opinion I'd rather save up the $120.00 or so for the kit that just drops into place than struggle trying to lay it all smooth myself. Still haven't had the time or motivation to make the latches for the fold down rear seat work yet. I'll take some more pics soon. What I'm really excited about is my upcoming cam swap (next week if I get time) 244/252 duration 553/572 lift solid tappet grumpy unit! Can't wait!
no progress Caught pnumonia. Now my car sits at work and I sit at home. This is the first time I've left my bed in the past few days. grrr.
sorry to hear you are under the weather. I recommend chicken soup and a HotRod magazine. That combination cures all illness.
PLYMOUTH SEATS I've just been reading your info on these seats and they look real good to me. Actually spent a looooong time the other night looking for this very thread that I read previously. I'm just starting on my interior; hope you don't mind copycats! I hope to drive my mav down the Alcan Hwy to west coast where my kids are; possibly bum a cup of coffee and swap stories w/you. mac
courier11sec hey that looks really good.. i'd love to see really close up shots of the rear when your done just to see how they fit. but very intresteing! good job btw your shouldn't show Thomas Hackman these ideas .. he might steal them from you!
Thanks guys. Macinamav- Sounds great. Let me know when you're ready. Derrick- Thanks man. I'm pretty much finished with it now, just trimming everything out in the back and behind where the seat folds down. I'll try and get some nice pictures soon and post them on here and maybe do a write up for the newsletter if there's enough interest. I'm hoping to get going on this cam swap tomorrow if nothings going on at work. It's tough to get things done when you only work in your spare time and drop everything whenever there's real work to do. hehehe.
Bummed Took about 20 pictures of the now mostly completed interior after work today. (busiest day I've had at this job) Got home, transferred them laa from the camera onto the computer and they just dissapeared! I've searched the whole damned computer and they just plain dissapeared. They are off the camera as well. grrr. Just had to vent.