Hello everybody! First of all, thanks for letting me get in to this marvelous group! I bought my mav here in Finland a few weeks ago. So far I have been removing some parts, like front & rear bumpers and vinyl top(underneath was a solid roof). It has couple of rustspots:battery tray and both sides quarterpanels, about 4" x 2" areas. Floors, trunk and front+rear glass surroundings are solid. It now has a 302 + C4, assumingly to be from somewhere around 80's. I haven't checked out yet, what type they are. At least the motor is lazy as I am!! Maybe it will have a aluminium heads and something else, dont know yet... Masterplan is to make a trustful, quick and beautiful car that can be drove anywhere. Color will be green, a little bit brighter than its now. Lime? Something like that. Interior is good. Only thing to repair is drivers seat and it's not a big issue. Black leather and bucket seats, I like it very much. In my plans I'm going to make a center console with amp/oil/thermometers in it. It will be fiberglass. What else? Well, Im in no rush. All this maybe in 1-2 years period. My primary project is my 11 months old daughter and Maverick is secondary. I will keep you posted as this project stumbles forward. Here is couple of fotos for you to enjoy. More will be added... -Finn
Yeah, it is. Before this, I only had chevys and with them it was very common to do all the floors and trunk completely new...
Had a few beers and little welding done. Nothing special, just plugging those side moldings. Just wondering, how is it possible that front end is so f***ing high! I need to lower it about 4-6 inches. New steering wheel came today and I like it very much!! I've been buying stuff from ebay like crazy, hope my wife doesnt check my accounts... -Finn
I dont really know. Springs looks like....well,not like new. Car used to be 6 cyl but isnt 302 little bit heavier?! Well, anyway I have to get it down. Is there a good lowering frontend spring/shock kit that is known to be good (within reasonable pricerange...)?
A all iron 302 will weigh approx 475 lbs, or 100 lbs more than the 170/200 6cyl. Probably 75lbs more than 250. With the aluminum heads, intake and tube headers, along with A/C removed, my Comet pointed her noise at sky(that was with orig springs). Now has 8088 replacement springs for the base model with 170/200. Probably not enough spring for a all cast iron engine, springs for 250 would likely lower front without putting the nose in the dirt.
I probably try cutting springs first but if it effects too much in driveability, then I will try new springs(and shocks).
Hey Finn: Careful when you remove the springs !! I recommend cutting ONE COIL out .. then set it back in place. One will be enough .. ( be careful to cut the coil so the cut end fits back into its original location ) .. Incidentally ... Someone on this forum is looking for some BIG BUMPERS like you have on your Maverick .. Might be worthwhile to check it out and sell them to another enthusiast . Just a thought . Cometized (Chip)
Thanks Chip! I'm so careful in the first try and go with a one round,as you said. If someone really needs big bumpers, all the way from here (about few thousand miles) I will gladly sell them. But I think you will find big bumpers from there (US) a little bit cheaper My project hasnt have any progress now, I have been waiting all the parts I have ordered around the world! I will keep you posted....
Got my new steering wheel in today. Looks good but there is a little issue with the horn button. It is a Nardi steering wheel and horn button has only one plug. Where do I connect that other wire? Has anyone installed these before. .? I tried to take that column shifter away but seems like it doesnt want to go. Is there a tube socket or is it a somekind of screw?
Hi Finn: When you begin the ' lowering ' process... Measure the height from the grade to the lower lip of your front fender and " write it down" Afterwards you can see exactly how much lower the car will set . Just my opinion as that's how we did it on two cars . Also if you send me a email if you're still looking for the FRONT Bumper Brackets.. I have a nice set .. Actually , I found three sets and some engine mounts and crossover for a V8 . Lemmeno if you still want the brackets..( email ) cameocarclub@yahoo.com .. ( bu the way .. Nice Looking Steering Wheel. Cometized (Chip)
Thanks! Im still waiting my spring compressor, had to order it all the way from UK. Good tip to measure and write them down, will do that. Im waiting a reply from one guy, who is selling his front brackets. If I dont hear anything from him, I will send you email.
I still have a set on the shelf if you can't run them down . I want $175.00 shipped to Sarasota , FL .. OR if you pick them up here in Deland , FL. $ 150.00 .. Cometized (Chip)