i would suggest no. I bought my car at 16 in high school and 3 years later in my second year of college im still struggling to pull together my car. my mom wouldnt let me buy a car above a v6 so i thought i won untill i found out how much hp a 3.3L has. when being a full time student with no job it makes working on and buying parts nearly impossible to do. I bought my mav thinking it would have been a cheap easy fix up and daily driver and i still have to borrow family members vehicles. if i dont get my car done by the time school starts again im taking student loans and buying something which will probably happen. plus you dont really want to be in your high school parking lot cranking the engine for 10 minutes praying to the sweet baby jesus himself to start your car and pray it doesnt spew black smoke of death when your passing your friends. just buy an import like everyone else and put a fart can on it to sound like your civic is the baddest car around, i wish i did. ill probably have this car for the rest of my life and be happy i bought it but borrowing vehicles is literally the most frustrating thing ive had the pleasure of doing, depressing too.