Ken, It was great meeting you as well. Man..that was one sweet Mav! I got the motor and trans in my car a couple of weekends ago and it's going to paint very soon. Give me a shout if you make it over to the west coast of Fla and maybe next time we meet at Old Town I'll have my ride! Later, Josh
I feel so lonely here in Pensacola... Like I am on an island to myself. My uncle is into Fords though and has a Mav. Then Ray is just a little to the west. I guess I should move to GA if I want to be with the crowd.
Hey me too , if you see a yellow mav with blue fenders that's me trying to fix her up! My parents are about to get a house on 24th st ct west with a nice work shop, so hopefully work will start soon. What color is yours??? If you own that grabber in town , cause that thing is nice! Or is it the brown one? or the other Green/White grabber? Or the orange 4-door? or the red 4-door. Man now that I think about it, there are quite a few mav/comet owners in bradentucky. Oh and , if you're ever in the Bradenton area there are car shows at a restaurant called Mel's Diner about once or twice a month. There are also plenty of shows around the Tampa area, just never been to them.
I think I was there with my brother on bikes. In Jan when I come down, I will definitely be bringing my car.
How about an update on the Fl. members. I live in Ocala and my son just moved to Tampa after graduating from UF. He has a restored '69 Mach 1 we finished this past year and has joined the Tampa Mustang Club. Maybe we will see you at one of the shows in the area this Fall. I will be going to the Lake Mirror show in Lakeland and the MOSI show in Tampa in Oct, and in Old Town on Nov 1. Our Mustang club here has an All Ford show in Inverness on Sept. 27. Part-Time and J Miller came last year. We had over 160 cars, not bad for it's first year. Dennis, when are you planning to retire and move to Ocala? Jim
Hey, we're in Ocala... used to be called "SlowCala", but no longer with all the development going on, still a good place to live though. Welcome! Holly & Rocky
I'm still in Bradenton, and I think we should run through a car show together, maybe one at hooters on 41! I'm up for it...I just need to get my car running again.
I'm in Ocala,Fl. my car is far from show ready but I like to go and see whats the way has a 74 mav. for 650.00 bucks.
Since I started this thread, I have moved a bit closer to you Bradenton Mas. I live in Ruskin now. HTR701, That sounds like a great idea to me, except im in the same boat as you and mavgrab. its not a show piece or running! But I love it anyway!!
part-time and i are just outside of orlando (in ocoee) hottie2 is in gainsville and fred mccutchen is in jacksonville.
I am right next to Clearwater, for those of you who don't know where "Dune-din" is ... actually it is "Dun-EE-din" (Dunedin ... scottish name) A lot of us do seem to be concentrated in the center and west coast area. Jim, I went to the MOSI show last year. Probably saw your son's car if he was there.
Jeff, My son Jason's Mach 1 wasn't finished for shows until Dec. It's first show was Silver Springs and it stayed in my garage until I took it down to his new home in Tampa in May. It is very a very striking car, Indian Fire Red(a copper red color), white interior with fold down, well optioned with a 390/4spd(true S code car). I plan on driving down and going with him to the MOSI show on Oct. 25th. Maybe we will see you there. Lakeland isn't that far from you, either. That is a great show to go to, with or without a car, on Oct 18th. The state wide Cougar club(SSCC) is the featured club at Old Town on Nov 1. There should be 25-30 Cougars there. Maybe I will run into some of you there, too. Jim