Is there a way to test if it's the fuel level sensor or the float without removing it? I just want to know if I should order a new fuel level sensor or not before I remove it... Thank you.
You said that it works but not accurate. Could be the instrument voltage regulator (IVR) not doing its job
I was wrong about it reading/reading wrong... I think either the sending unit or the float was going through it's final death throws... since that comment it hasn't moved except when I grounded the wires at the tank...
I was wrong about it reading/reading wrong... I think either the sending unit or the float was going through it's final death throws... since that comment it hasn't moved except when I grounded the wires at the tank... like I said I ohmed the sending unit and got a reading of 86 which is higher than the range I read about so I don't know if that means it's the sending unit is bad or simply the float/level arm is resting on the very bottom...
I'm going to be removing my fuel gauge sending unit in the next few days than it hit me... what if the o-ring is bad or gets damaged in the removal. Is there any local type shops that may have a usable replacement? if not is there a RTV silicone that could be used to make it work? I'd appreciate some input. Thank you.
Replace the O-ring whether you think it's bad or not. It's gotta be 4- years-old. And no, RTV will NOT seal it. It will leak like a son of-a-gun. RTV is not made for use with gasoline anyway.
while doing some searches I found that if I removed the space and dash the number relates to a '95 or so mustang which is available locally but I can't find dimensional info on either to be sure. does anyone know anything about this? I've never heard of Melvin's... have you ever ordered from them? if I wanted to replace the strainer what size should I get? '74 250ci 2dr.