Dave, since that is your neck of the woods. Find a restaraunt close to the hotel (Cracker Barrel or whatever) get the address so I can MAPQUEST it, pick a time(Around 9:30-10 ) and we will meet everyone there. After breakfast, Becky & Susan can go one way and we will go the other :evilsmile
Sounds good to us, Susan and i are still planing on going to Hotel on friday evening sort of a weekend away. Sounds like a fun time, always a good swap meet.
Since your buddy o pal Dave won't answer ya, I will. Where have you been livin!!! Under a rock!!! Check this out! http://www.hooters.com/
its just around the corner from the hotel Tee Jaye's Country Place Restaurants 4910 N High St Columbus, OH 43214 (614) 885-1383
213.64 from my door to theirs! Thanks and see you guys then. Dave, do not forget I need something from you
you know what I need. ..... (thats sounds gay ) you know what I want. .....(that sounds even gay'er ) Just bring the PART!!!!!