Years ago I had mechanical gauges in my car. The oil pressure gauge sprung a leak and soaked the carpet, ruining it. Luckily it sprayed downward instead of at me. It wasn't the tubing, it was the gauge itself, the oil came out of the backlight socket. I'll never install mechanical gauges again.
I fabricated the cluster insert for my car and had the dash and cluster painted the same color as the car. I should have the car back in about 2 weeks. The hood back in about 2 weeks after that. My wife thinks it will be a big hit and suggest I make the cluster inserts and sell them. So in my spare time (when not busy working hell I'm self employed when don't I work) I am working on another proto type but with no holes so you can configure your own style of guages. If enough people are interested in them I am looking into a limited production and will let you know how much and how long it will be. I also converted/fabricated the window regulators from manual to power and in the proccess of installing electric adjustable mirrors in the sport mirror housing. I also frabricated the strut tower support under the hood (seen in avatar pic).
there ya go ! nice cluster dude. bet the car won't do what the speedo does 160 in a Maverick the thing might just take flight
The car handles great upto 130 about 135 pretty shakey need to redesign front suspension and get some Z rated tires before I push it any faster.