I corrected the weight in the other post, it weighs closer to 75 lbs. without the hinges and about half of the door panel was missing but includes the arm rest. I had a hard drive crash and lost the original pic but I had this on my server. Bathroom scale is in 20 pound intervals.
1972 4 Door 200 I6 with a trunk full of highway emerency tools tire, water etc weighs 2860 lb on a certified scale
I wonder what my 77 would weigh with the carbon fiber hood on it now? I know it is a few pounds lighter.
Heres the weights from a book I have...Standard catalog of American Cars 1946-1975 by John Gunnell Shipping weight 1969 2dr maverick 6cyl(170): 2411 1970 2dr Maverick 6cly(170): 2411 1971 4dr sed-6p 2610/2803 2dr sed-6p 2478/2671 2dr grabber-6p 2570/2763 1972 4dr sed-6p 2633/2826 2dr sed-6p 2538/2731 2dr grabber-6p 2493/2786 1973 4dr sed-6p 2737/2900 2dr sed-6p 2642/2800 2dr grabber-6p 2697/2855 1974 4dr sed-6p 2851/3014 2dr sed-6p 2739/2902 2dr grabber-6p 2787/2950 1975 4dr sed-6p 2820/2971 2dr sed-6p 2943/3094 2dr grabber-6p 2827/2979 cant find the other catolog for 76 to 2006 at the moment but you got a good idea what the last two years are going to look like
My 70 with 351w that has aluminum intake and heads, Powerglide and 9" with ladder bars, and fiberglass hood weighs in at 3125lbs. The tubbing and all changes were in sheetmetal not aluminum, single seat, roll cage, 5gal cell and big truck battery, chute, wheelie bars, all original glass and carpeting throughout the whole interior.................it's not light by any means and with me it is at 3375lbs. Verified by the track scales last year.