150 shot dropped my car from 14.30s to 12.40s. Stock '88 5.0/Weiand 8011, Holley 535/Hedman longtubes/3500 stall and 3.55s. 1/8 mile went from 9.ohs to 7.80s.
i just got back from the track i set a new personal best i ran 11.87 i think it was b/c the track was better prepared tonight and there were alot of cars runnin the reason i dont run that well on spray is b/c i baby it through 1st im on a 8 inch wide slick there almost new so im not buyin new treads till these are wore out it hooks good n/a tho oh and i won the import vs domestic shootout it came down to me and some turbod bmw he ran 11.16 but i treed him ind won by .03 sec me and the bmw guy were talkin afterwards he said he has 17000 in his engine alone i have something like 4500 in my whole car it was a pretty sucsesfull night if you ask me