nice asuhfdioasdfasdfashdfpashfhasiodhfiashdifhsidhfsdhffuaisyouashfdhasfasasjdfkjashjfhaskasa asjdfasdjfhasjhfdjhasdfhasjhdfhasdjwillasljhdfaslhdflasldfhsahfsa;fsadlfhasl;dfkssdfasijasjjfqw qioweuhbfsdabcisnbdibviqer8uhigfqbwlikeiuqwheifbqwibvcbqbvcqwbibvbqbvqbwvbiqivbibvibq qi9uwhfiqhwiohfiuqhewhfiwqhefihwthisqiwuehfiqwheuifhquiewhfiqwhefoqwehfiqwhefiqwoqwef qiwuhfiqopwfiqwehfioqwehfwqiehfthenqwiehfqhweifhqwioehfqwehfqwiehfqwihfeiqwfasfdasdfas !i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i! i dont think u will find this one under a min.
Thats like saying what happens in vegas stays in vegas. Could be good, could be bad or maybe he wanted to roback in the mountain.
That's funny right there I don't think he ment any harm.. Sounds like he's trying to be funny but is coming across differently.. or taken differently.
yea i was referring to those movies like wrong turn and stuff like that im i was just pullen ur leg u just took it the wrong way