If the ants are in your car Scott...There is a food or water source in it thats attracting em...Old french fries or pieces of candy etc...
Down here on the gulf coast of Texas...we could DEFINITELY use a couple of anteaters on the property...
if it has been raining a lot they may be coming up out of the ground. I use the time right after a long rain to kill them. they build a mound on top of the ground to store the Queen and the eggs out of the water. I walk around with my bug sprayer and soak each mound...that was a problem when low ground floods, the ants gather in a ball on top of the water waiting to float to dry ground. if they float up against anything they swarm it...be it your house or you if you are wading in the water.
Yeah...I have noticed that there are MANY fresh ant hills after each rain. There were some right near the rear tire of my car after the last rain. I have been too lazy to mix up new ant killer and spray the hills down in the past few weeks. This is my payback...
I had an ant problem with my car once. I parked it in my school near a sidewalk. In 8 hours that my school day lasted, my car was infested. At first I thought there were few of them scattered, but in the next days I noticed they were everywhere. And they were using the chassis as a road to every inch of the car. I was really pissed, I dislike ants a lot. So I took the car into the schools workshop and raised it on the lift to try and track down the source of the ant problem. I took out the front end (it was a Nissan se-r by the way) and then followed them to the right side wheelwell, and there it was a queen with thousands of workers carrying eggs! They started a colony in my car! I promptly sprayed insecticide all over the place followed by water with the hydrowasher and got rid of the nest. Still, the following days I found ants here and there, so I sprayed insecticide in the car when I parked it at night, and around the wheels and wheelwells for like a week before I got rid of them for good. I hate ants more ever since.