Just to let you know that mall parking was very restricted during the spring rod run..... A lot of the parking was blocked off for mall customers only, they would give you a paper to display and parking was only for 1 hr..... The whole place was insane at the spring run.....
at the spring run if you wanted to park there all day.-which we did-it was $5.00 per vehical there was maybe 15 cars in the parking lot Like I said ( just a suggestion ) .
We will be there with the Bear Cat! We are staying at Black Bear cabins under the big white cross. Will be there Friday-Sunday. We could also meet at the Kroger parking lot...just another suggestion!
I'm having no luck finding a place to park, all the lots are first come or not allowed, so i'm thinking the factory outlet mall from post #45 is the place to start. Or we could meet some where close for breakfast and drive in together. I'm open for suggestions
Is this for Friday or Saturday? Meeting up for Breakfast sounds good as long as it isnt too early. There will be 7 of us in our group so we will need time to get going. Ive only been there twice so my knowledge of the area is limited. I will go wherever Ya'll decide. Im not sure how much parking there is at our cabin but everyone can meet there if you want. We can caravan to breakfast from there. I dont have the address yet, I will get that on Thursday before we leave. Here is a link to the cabin we rented. http://www.greatoutdoorrentals.com/moredetail.php?propertyName=Cabin Fever
What about the Kroger? Did anyone check it out? Or we could just meet at the big field parking lot behind the Grand Hotel. You pay to get in there, but it's an all day pass! You can even get trailers in there. The United Way usually are the ones putting it on. I don't know if it would be against any rules, but I'm sure someone could find out. Another idea! You could check with the Autozone or the Advance Auto Parts and see if we could do it in one of their parking lots! They love having all the attention and parts buyers! lol! That might just work for us?
I'll be there saturday, I am local...I have parked at the upper level of the outlet mall. most of the stores are closed and empty at that level. there is also the free parking lots along the river about 3 blocks north from the grand hotel. I have been going go up to the RR for years and it is damn near impossible to drive around. we have been talking about renting a cabin for the weekend but I could use the money elsewhere. for anyone going can PM me for my cell and I will do what I can. Keep it handy just in case you break down near knoxville. Robert
I plan on driving up Hwy 411 to Townsend on Friday.I will come early if we are going to meet early.if not then I will see all of you that stay in Townsend sometime Friday.I hope everyone has a safe trip.
Well, we won't be up till late Friday/early Saturday. The cabin we were going to stay at had a fire and they closed it. So, most likely it will be Saturday real early. We will probably be leaving around 4 or 5 in the morning Saturday. We also will be traveling up 411 Highway from Ranger, Ga. So, if anyone else is gonna be up and out that early let me know and maybe we can drive up together!