So what coolant are you using??? Electrolysis occurs with weak ratios of antifreeze to water or old coolant that has become acidic... Running a 50/50 mix, I've never had a electrolysis issue with the Trick Flow heads on the Bird... Grounds are factory which include one from battery to block & chassis(negative cable), and another from rear of right head to the chassis... Yeah it's blown right head gasket twice, but origination of that issue was the blue bottle in trunk... Fire ring blew out between #3 & #4 but had no deterioration of the coolant passages...
my mix is 50/50 w/distilled water. I've never had a problem and don't want one. I had a voltage reading from a top radiator hose once, that's when I heard about...Electrolysis why have all your electrics go to 1-2 grounding can't have too many grounds but you can not have enough....
Here is how to test and troubleshoot for electrolysis Bottom of the page