Just thought of something, correct me if I am wrong: Aren't firearms illegal within so many feet of a school? That was made law about the same time as the AWB... I know I pass right by several schools in my travels each and every day. I don't think I could devise a route to go anywhere in town without going right by at the very least, one school. So if I had a gun in the window, I'd be guilty of a felony. ??? What if I live within 1000' of a school?!?! Does that mean I have no right to bear arms in my home? I know of plenty of houses that are next to schools. Anyone know?
And now there's some certain congressmen trying to make it a felony to posess a weapon within 1000 feet of said congressmen Why are they so afraid of the people they pretend to "serve" ?
There's a grabber in a dealership in smokey point here that has what looks like machine guns coming out of the hood, have to see if I can find pics. Don
Probably gets pulled over in every school zone! Can you see going to pick up your kid from school in that? They suspend kids for "gun in school" if they bring a Star Wars action figure blaster, just think what they'd do to your kid for coming to school in a car with machine guns displayed!
This conversation makes me want to build an 'artistic' display of simulated firearms mounted to my car!
im going to the mechine shop to work something up.I might like how it looks or il get sick of it as a novelty and it will end up in my bedroom next to all the other extra parts. what about trunk mounted on the trunk lid inside????seems to be alot of space there. think im goin to have to stop by the sheriffs dept. and see what they say.
I know here in Kansas it is OK to be near a school with a gun, you just cant get out of your car with it. Say you have a CCL and you drop your kids off at school, all is good. If you have to go inside the school for some reason you have to leave it in your car. It is also legal to carry a gun unconcealed, except where they have a sign for no guns, public buildings, any government building or anywhere they serve alcohol.
I was reading about places where it is technically legal to carry unconcealed, but the courts are taking the position that a visible weapon, even in a holster, constitutes 'brandishing'. This has happened in a few places already, where there are no laws on the books prohibiting open carry. This is the way of denying open carry without the nuisance of legislating an actual law against it.
This is why we live in a republic and not a democracy. In a republic the individual has rights whereas in the democracy all rights are controlled by the majority. We have a legal rite to keep (own) and bear (carry) arms. Legislation to the contrary is the majority telly you that you are a criminal for exercising your God given rights. If you are being robbed and you call the police but they don't show up you can't sue them because they are not responsible for the individual. You have to defend yourself. Under no circumstances should you yield your rights to anyone for any reason. Too many people have died and been maimed to protect your rights. They are given by God and no man has the power of God.
I`ve wanted a gun for the longest time(I live in the bad part of town). But out here if you shoot someone in self defense YOU end up going to jail for homicide.....
Huh! Only in california is it better to be shot at and killed than to defend yourself and go to jail. No win situation...And it REALLY gives the bad guys the upper hand, doesn't it... I think I would move away from any place that forces me into that kind of predicament.
And it's not just Kalifornia that treats the person who defends himself and his family like criminals either. Just about every state in the northeast does as well. coco:
Yeah, I almost got busted driving through New York state with a handgun. I got to Bear Lake, PA where my uncle lives, about 6 miles from the border. He told me there is ZERO tolerance in NY for handguns, and instant 2-years jail if caught with one. I had to leave my gun at his house and pick it up on the way back through. Then, just to be sure, I asked a NY cop when we were at a gas station. As soon as I asked "is it legal to carry with a TX license?" he put his hand on his gun, assumed a slightly more defensive stance, and asked me bruskly, "Do you have a gun on you?" So, I guess that answered my question.
man i love oklahoma, the make my day and stand your ground laws cover our a$$'s when it comes to self defense