Ahhhhhh! The yellow mav! I've driven by that car about a hundred times over the past few months, but never stopped to look at it. I'm glad it went to a good home though, since it was out of my price range. And, about driving around Atlanta, you'll never realize how careful you have to be until after your first wreck. Until then, drive like everyone is trying to hit you. Congratulations!
LOL I thought I was the only one here that traveled up 515 on a regular basis. Going to be strange going by that place next time and not see the yellow Mav sitting out front!
Glad its gone. I'm glad to see this car was bought by someone who will truly love it. That car has been on my mind since Jamie posted it months ago. If it wasn't so darn far away I definitely would have bought it by now. In fact about once a week I still keep getting the wild idea of driving the 18+ hours down there. Now at least I can finally forget about it and start concentrating fulltime on the yellow Grabber I already own, which unfortunately isn't nearly as clean as the car you just got. Good luck with the car. You're off to a good start, but I have to warn you, these little cars will probably haunt you for the rest of your life. I started off with one 26 years ago and I haven't been able to shake them since.