Mine are on the inside as well due to the position of my timing pointer. I put some lines across the balancer face to denote my initial and total timing targets that would be easier to read. These balancers, while very high quality for the price, are designed to accommodate all of the various timing pointer locations Ford used throughout the years on the 289/302, ditto for all of the different crank pulleys. One could just purchase a stock balancer that is application specific, as was suggested, but they are not flawless either. I got lucky that my March system did not require the spacers.
I don't know! It is on the car; should have replaced it 18mos ago when I replaced the coolant pump. Didn't know the pump had to come off to replace the damper till I read some instructions recently. Been several decades since I worked much on an engine. Only got into it 5 1/2yrs ago when I got this car. Since the pump has to come off I may replace it w/ a new hi-flow unit. I may just go w/ the Dorman stock balancer. Anyway, everything on hold till spring as far as working on the car, although this winter has been complete turn-around from last years brutal weather -- At least to this point ---I ain't complaining. Season Greeting's to you & yours....