Thanks! I'm a fan of the color too! It was originally a red car and the previous owner did this. It's a very cheaply done job but looks good in the pictures! I'm working on a lot of the body work now and getting ready to spray it but the question is to keep it grey or go black. I think the red interior would really pop with a nice gloss black. Also there picture have two different rear wheels in them. The Cragar steer stars are a 14 inch and the other is a 15 inch. Not too sure of the width.
Hi Nick : Looks great since you've painted it. Are you going to the NPD show in January ? We're rounding up some cars now for a convoy real early Saturday morning. Maybe see you there. Lemmeno . Cometized (Chip)
Yeah I was wondering on the width but that's cool I am going with 15 ". I would keep the grey ,but I am a grey fan
I wish I knew on the 15's. I was borrowing them at the time. If it helps I fit a 255 60 15 tire on there and could probably go a little wider.
Hey, Chip! I actually haven't painted it yet. These are just older photos that I took before I started the body work on it. It should be painted before January. I'm going to try and go. Let me know on a meeting place and I'll try my best to be there.
Hi again Nick: I have an " extra" application for the FREE entry to the NPD show . If you email me and give me your phone number I'll fill it out for you and mail it .. You'll probably be able to make it since the show isn't until January 9th.. Otherwise they charge admission .. ( I don't know how much) ..My email is . We are meeting at my shop in Deland ( In the Airport Complex) and are LEAVING for Silver Springs @ 7:00 SHARP takes about an hour to get there from my shop..and then about 20 minutes to GET IN the gates. Lemmeno if you want to join us . I'm sure you would really enjoy the show and there are a lot of members from MCCI there also every year so you can meet them in person and check out their cars. Don't worry about not having your Comet painted.. there are lots of cars there still " Under Construction" .. I've taken my cars there often in an " unfinished" condition..No Big Deal.. Thanks, Cometized (Chip)
It's nice to see another FL person on here! I am out of Orlando. If you ever need parts let me know, my budy is a maverick fanatic. He has decent amount of parts for these cars, still trying to get him onto this site.
Hi William: Actually .. there are several Floridians on here that are Maverick or Comet owners . I've met most of them at the NPD shows. I recommend attending the show if possible . January 9th, 2016 SATURDAY coming up. Silver Springs Park - Ocala , Florida ( On Highway 40 ) . Try to make it if possible . Great show . Beautiful cars. Cometized (Chip)