That would be cool! Any idea when? Business or pleasure? Although I am a B.C guy...I do head to a few events every year! Not sure if we met or not when I was at the knotts show a few years ago..
thats what im planning too! Im going to visit one of my friends in auburn and also check out seattle. But i really want to go to an mcci meet or show.
Its purely for fun! I have no idea when...just sometime next year. And ive never gotten a chance to go to the knotts show here, it falls on my birthday most of the time so i usually have to attend my party
Prob no need for rain ponchos on the dry side =) A Poncho in my pen name is the age old nickname for pre-corporate pontiacs. I have been involved in restoring and racing old school pontiacs for years. From trans ams to gtos and even a ventura for a few years. And very recently a tuned solstice gxp (not pre corporate but an amazing vehicle). But dont get me wrong im not a one brand elitist My maverick is the first ford that I have put a good honest effort in restoring.Fell in love with the light weight,stick shift, and cool body lines, Im excited to learn the blue oval. M
Welcome from Texas (relocated from abroad). I used to live up near you, and really miss the area. By the way, "is that a real poncho, I mean a Mexican poncho, or a Sears poncho?" --FZ