I actually know someone, but it's not on a Maverick. He has a '67 VW bug, and had a '64 before that. The '67 had a 4-wheel disc conversion that the previous owner did. The guy I know is a VW aficionado (I know nothing about them) and says that the disc brake conversions for those cars suck, regardless of brand. He switched it back to a rebuilt 4-wheel drum setup with all new components. He says the cars are so light weight anyway that discs are not needed (and it's not a race car). I do know that a 4-wheel disc setup requires more pedal effort if there's no power assist (like on a '67 bug).
I replaced the rubber lines and bleed everything out adjusted the brakes and drove it,it still has a pull to th eleft but not as bad as it was before but the brakes shimy now ,could it be one of the rotors?the hardware still looks good they must of been change out sometime befor ei got the car. just so everyone knows I havnt driven this car long distances since ive own it ,no more than a couple of miles and back home,so these problems have been here since ive owned the car and it sat up for a while before I purchased it ,now back to the brakes the hardware looks sorta new still has the color,the pads not that old either ,the driver wheel cylinder was stuck when I 1st got the car so I replaced both sides,now thw rubber lines,The rubber lines help with a lot of the pull but like I said shimys when braking to stop and has just a slight pull to the lleft still, Correction not rotors but drums!!
make sure one of the drums aren't glazed for any reason. they should have like a crosshatch to it. not slick.
One or more of the drums is warped. They need to be machined true (or replaced if there's not enough metal left).
Swap drums from one side to other(scuff up the shoes with some 150 or so grit paper)...If pull is still on right it's not a drum problem... It could... If wheel is shifting rearward when braking, positive caster increases which will increase pull...
Even new drums need to be turned. I had the same problem on a 1968 Torino I had. New drums.....terrible pulling, vibrating etc. Had them turned....problem cured.
Krazy comet that's a great idea I don't =know why I didn't think of that thanks everyone else for ur input as well
Traveling forward the rearward thrust of wheel and suspension would be pulling strut rod against front bushing... Should mostly be a problem when backing up, but I could vision issues when turning and clunking/chatter just driving down the road... The strut rods are what keeps the lower control arms rigid and in place, otherwise they flop around kinda like a limp -- uuhhh, well you probably can envision my example.... Driving without a bushing is no doubt dangerous... Well if it works for you, but chances I'm going to cut a new rotor/drum and reduce thickness are zero & none... If they chatter or vibrate I'll take them back...