looks like a good car to work with. wish it was closer to az. michigan's a little to far from me. if you are interested in a fun car that will turn heads when finished, keep it. if you decide to get rid of it tell us what you want to get out of it. either some one here might be interested or we'll tell you if the price is realistic. good luck.
If only I had the room for another Maverick. For us that would be a snap to restore, but alas, we don't have neither the time or the for another one. Of coarse, I would say keep it and fix it up, but decision has to be yours. The Stallion was only made for one year, so there are not a whole lot of them around any more. That alone makes them worthy of hanging onto. What it's worth right now depends entirely on what condition it is in. As the co-owner of a restoration shop myself, I can assure you that good quality restorations do not come cheap. For a car like yours, it might be worth it, but that also depends on how much you can afford to put into it.
So where did you get: 5500 MADE ONLY 216 LEFT TITLED IN THE US. Is this from a legitimate, verified source?
http://www.eastohiocoolcars.com/Ford/1976Maverick.htm http://www.webspawner.com/users/hmmgntdtr/stallionregistr.html do a web search theres alot of places
rxchris, just so you will know, the red stallion in the first link is presently for sale. It belongs to Wes, one of our club officers. It is in restored condition and he is only asking $5500 for it. It makes your seem a little pricey. I'm not saying it's not worth the asking price but if I were going to restore your car, I certainly couldn't put it in the condition of the red car for $2500 ($2500 plus asking min price = $5500). The Stallions are definitely a rare car and I wouldn't mind having yours to restore but I just don't believes todays market is quite ready to spend 3G's for a car needing that much work with the rust you have in it. You might very well surprise me and get it or more and if so, great...I really do wish you luck. I'd like to see that car back on the road in restored condition. Ray