I would not consider those as verifiable sources. Those are only opinions. You can't believe everything you read on the internet. While I do beleive Ford may have only made 5500 of them.....it is IMPOSSIBLE to say with any accuracy how many are left. A guess at best. Regardless....rarity does not necessarily indicate value. I am sure the auction will give you it's true value....which is what somebody is willing to pay for it.
Yes....I noticed that. Since Dan Starnes is keeper of the 1976 Ford Maverick Stallion Registry....I am sure he would chime in that there is no way to tell how many are left. I put my money where my mouth is.
If you want to sell your car please post it in the Forsale Forum. No solicitation outside that designated area please.
Your starting bid was $100 ... nobody else has bid except Craig so don't assume $100 was his final offer ...
Did I get outbid....or was I "bumped" I will watch the auction and bid accordingly at the end. I have no doubt that the auction will play out and determine the true value of this rare car. Now whether or not it meets the reserve remains to be seen.
rxchris In your first post you said it runs and drives good. But in the auction it says this “This vehicle is being sold for parts only and is not operational or street legal. Therefore, upon purchase, it will need to be either towed or trailered." I'm confused? Does it have a title and run,drive? What about pics of the engine?
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1976-76-MAVERICK-STALLION_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6783QQitemZ8027081753QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW maybe that will help a few? and yeah, would be nice to know if it can move under its own power (would make it easier to get on the trailer) and any chance of getting a few pics of the body with out so much sun glare? hard to see the condition very well.
Is the red 76 stallion for sale? How do I contact them? Are they any others completed for sale around? Contact me.