Welcome aboard! :Handshake Geez!! I can't turn my back on these guys for one second!!! Anyway, don't listen to these suckers. I'll help any way I can...especially since you have a Sprint. I have one also. Just need to get to work on mine too. Do you ever get over here to the Ms Coast any?
Yeah keep the Sprint looking original. But go crazy on the engine you can make a 400HP 5.0L look stock !
We do. We are taking a trip to Panama City, FL this July 15-18, we looked on your myspace and saw you lived down that way, we were actually hoping it would be ok to stop by and look at your mavericks and all. If so let me know.
Sure thing! Just remind me a few days ahead of time and we'll arrange something! Look forward to meeting you. :Handshake