Hello there send to me pm, i friend of mine lives in guadalajara, Jalisco and he can help you Cheers from Mexico city
Welcome to the boards ! Pay for a maverick really that depends on the year, shape of the body, interior, engine size, transmission, suspension, tires exc exc Don't limit yourself by only hunting v8 though. You can get a comet and make it into a maverick hybrid ...name seems to be in debate still on what to call this. I bought mine what...not even a month ago now has a inline 6 runs....thats about all I can say on that. Paid $1500 usd I know I probably could of talked him down more but it was love at first sight...what can I say. Never heard of a maverick till 8 weeks ago, when doing my usual online muscle car drooling and talking with my father about what car I could someday own,...most I just knew I could never afford or find one to restore, such as a 1967 chevelle, 1972 chevelle, 1967 mustang, 1970's era opel gt, or any late 60's - most early to mid 70's muscle cars. My father in passing says "I love the maverick grabber" I was like what, the heck is that.... Looked online saw my first one ever frantic googling and hunting was in session! Surprisingly I got my stock 1971 base 2 days latter...talk about LUCK!!!! I joined here the next day. I would never give this car up even though its going to take ALOT of work to fix it up! I would be homeless , fight a charging bull, be abducted by aliens..(the anal probing and medical experiments on you ones)... :16suspect fight BIGFOOT and hold back a lava flow with my body first!! Well I would be homeless anyway More true words have never been said. I just wish they made repo parts for the maverick/comet like other era cars. I am kinda loving the hunting for parts though....so maybe I don't wish they did at all... MexiMav good luck on your hunt! See you... in 2014.. not sure the story behind the joining and leaving for that long ... wondering if its due to a foot pursuit of a maverick turning over ever rock and looking in ever barn ?