the Round up Nationals....Thursday night just Mavericks and Comets. In New Castle/Muncie Indiana
Craig has a post about theracing on the Club/Meeting area. I am guessing since we are renting the track it is outlaw or no tech and use your own judgement....I will look at it like any other time at the belts, helmet....but no roll bar
Please, Please! Somebody Video Tape The Race (and other Mavericks/Comets racing that day) and post it on the Internet??? Man Those headers RULE! If anyone here puts a set on a 351w Maverick PLEASE let me know...My 393w would love to have a set!
im willing to bet i can take off early enough to make it a good race LOL but maybe the track will be a little slick and make it even better,, but i am with Steve, im not going to push it to its best of its ability, it would SUCK for it to break thursday and not get to join in any of the other fun... ok maybe i'll TRY for a 9 but only once LOL
man, those really do fit well. If I had known that they fit like that, i'd have bought a set for mine. Just another question, what trans are you running, and how mcuh clearance between the trans and the collector do you have? I'd hate to have to pull the headers loose each time I had to do tranny work. Of course, with the trans I run, I dont have to work on it If I had my custom headers coated, they'd look almost identical to the 6208's, except my collectors exit at a 45* angle under each door out the side, not too great for trying to figure out how to put a muffler on it..but sure makes changing the trans easy! Nice job!!
I've got to have a set of those headers!!!! Now I've got to come up with enough money to make it to the meet and get some new headers. Purple70 has it right Just your typical money pit ... but ya gotta love it! Terry Gates AKA Bossmav
I'm running a C4 and there is more clearance around it then with the old Hedman long tubes. I'll get a picture of how they exit under the car....
man,, i think i should get a little comission on the sale of these headers,, Hooker could afford to send a little cash my way lol cant hurt to try lol and i also am running the small bell C4, they fit great
Bringing this post up again. Just now getting around to moving up to the 1-3/4" primaries. Steve, did you ever get any 'under car' pics of your 6208's? Also, I emailed Holley (Hooker) to order the headers and they said that they wouldn't fit because they're designed for the 351 swaps on other Fords. DUH! I knew that already! I'll order them anyway from someone else. I'll check a lot of shops for price but do you have a starting point for me (who did you buy yours from). Also, the website for the Specialty (not "Special") Products Design spacers is I'll be giving them a ringy dingy also. Hope all is well, Rick
here is a picture of how the headers exit under the car, they are a little closer to the tranny crossmember then the old headers but they will still clear the crossmember.....
Sweet! I did a search but couldn't find who you purchased the headers from. I believe you also got the -1's (coated)? Care to share who you got the headers from and who did the coating (and what kind?)? Thx, Rick
Oops, sorry....I got in a hurry and forgot to mention that...... I purchased my headers from Summit racing and I did get the 6208-1 version with the Metallic/Ceramic coating that Hooker applies. I am currently trying to decide what would be the best way to seal the header, if I want to run two seperate gaskets with the spacer flange or not......I currently have decided that the best way to make it all seal up and not have any leaks is to seal the flange to the head with high temp sealant. I've applied orange high temp. sealant to the flange and mounted it to the head without the header attached but first I made sure that the head surface was nice and clean so the flange would have a good clean/straight surface to mate with. I will use a gasket when I permanently mount the headers to the flange/head. I've just about convinced myself that this will be the best way for my application. Did that make any sense??
I understand what your doing, however (here it comes), I would think that if the gaskets were made to seal the head to header then it would make sense to use the same gasket to seal between the spacer and head. I don't have a spacer to look at so I don't know if it does or does *not* have the same profile or undulations as the headers (in the sealing areas). BTW, I thought you already had these installed and were running them????? You haven't pulled a "Rick" and gotten lazy have you? Thanks for the info, Lazy R ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz.........
Actually, I haven't run the car in awhile. I'm still working on the new intake manifold and wrapping up the header install as well as several other little projects It's not that i've gotten lazy it's just that the Real Estate Appraisal business has kept me very busy recently!! With the low interest rates everyone is refinancing and that means lots of work for me!! I have to work on the car in my spare time, which is not much!! I actually had the headers installed with two gaskets and then I decided to try it with the sealant.....i'll let you know how it works, hopefully within the next couple of weeks!!!