Steve, I'm guessing your at the "event' right now but I have to ask: I've placed the order for the headers. However, I found no reason for the spacer you are using. I assumed the reason for the spacer was to adapt the horizontal bolt holes on the head to the diagonal bolt holes on the header flanges. I also thought the bolt pattern may be wider to keep from having to crimp the tubes at the flange, but I see these headers (6208's) are crimped as well. Speaking with Holley Tech and looking at your pics, I realize that neither is the case (reason for using the spacer). I also spoke with Chris as Specialty Exhaust to determine why a spacer might be needed - he had no reason. My question to you is "what is the purpose of the adapter plate"? I'm sure I'll have to order one, but just want to know why I'm spending the money :confused: Also (and I apologize if you've answered this already), what is the part number for the adapter plates you got from Chris (@ Specialty Exhausts)? Thanks and I know you guys are having a blast at the round-up. I hope you got your head gasket put back in time to make the event and run her down the track. Wish I could be there! Thanks, Rick
you have to use the spacers on it because the headers are actually for a 351W and the differance in the widths of the two blocks causes the headers to come back and hit the bellhousing, im not saying it cant be done, but that is what i had to do to make them work... im almost positive Steve had to do the same exact thing,, just adding my 2 cents,, he may be able to discribe it better for you when he gets back...Jim
Looking at Steve's pic: I can't really tell if the spacers are needed or not. I have the small bell housing (for what it's worth). I suppose the only way to find out is to get under there and try 'em out, however, if it's known fact that the spacer is needed, I prefer to wait for them before I start beating and banging on the headers/firewall, my own head, etc. Thanks for the info, Jim. I'm sure Steve's having a blast right about now (did he get his car running in time for the event?)
i had a set of no name headers on the 351w. when i changed to the 302 those headers would not fit as they were snugger to the engine block and the header tubes would hit the motor mounts. if i had a bracket like those they would have worked. but for a little more you can get a set of hookers that will bolt right up. i did that, but of course i had to throw another $180 and get the ceramic coating.
P/N HOK-6208-1 from (see They're the 1-3/4" primary Long Tubes, 3" Collectors, Ceramic coated headers that Steve and Jim (at least) have on their rides. I used a 10% discount code (N54100 ending 7/31/03) to get them. Saved me $65 on headers and copper gaskets. Can't wait to hear 'em on the 347 with a 200 shot of N20 ! Zoom Zoom!).
I really liked the first package!!!!! I guess the other package will have to do..... Rick, you will need the the spacers and you will also need to trim on your motor mounts.....I suggest while you have the motor out go ahead and bolt up the bellhousing and the headers and see where your clearance problems are.....also pull your motor mounts out of the engine bay and eye them up and see where they will need to be trimmed.....believe me you will have the motor in and out several times before you are finished.........
Thanks Steve! Welcome back. Do you have a part number for the spacers you used? I'd appreciate it much. I have Chris' number and such - I just don't wanna buy the wrong thing. Also, does the spacer need to be thinner, thicker, or any other feature changed on the spacer? I'm also looking for a clamp to use on the slip tubes on the header. I don't know of ANY slip-tubes that don't eventually develop a leak. Anyone have a recommendation? Again, thanks for the help. Rick
Not to throw wrench in your guys conversation, but assuming that these headers have an application for a 64-70 Mustang with a 351W, wouldn't they also work with a FMX & C6 trans?
Rick, I'm not sure about using a clamp on the slip tubes......i'm gonna run them the way they are, Jim is running them and I couldn't hear any leaks from his car at the roundup. You will need to relocate your oil filter or use a smaller one......the part# for the smaller oil filter is Fram# 3682. We can both thank Jim (purple 70) for that knowledge!! Keep in mind that this is a "custom" installation and everyone may have to do different things to make them work......I ended up having to make a small notch in the tranny. crossmember to clearance for the X pipe. Actually, it's not the tranny crossmember but the part of the body that the crossmember bolts to.