the guy is going to see if he has any leftover paint...he might... he is asking around 7K or so.... more if he removes the stripe. also it makes a clunk sound when switching into reverse, is this sound normal? it goes backwards normally though, it doesnt clunk in forward gears. I like the car but dont like the stripe...
clunk is a u-joint in the driveshaft. Not expensive or hard to fix. Others will disagree, but a car that nice under ten grand,, buyable.
Could be the u-joint. Not a hard fix. Personally, I think the price is high. There are nicer cars for less showing up on the board. This one is gone, but check it out for a comparison. . This is a nice car. There out there. You have to look and maybe travel a ways.
Blue Mav With a leaking heater core be sue to check the paaaenger's front floor board for rust. Texasjack
Yeah, if that really is a '77, somebody went through some painstaking effort to clone an earlier car. It has the hood, spoiler and small bumpers, that's all been mentioned, but I also see a package tray dash, early door panels, sport lamps in the grille... And it's an AC dash with a non-AC package tray, so that supports the idea that it's all been converted. Lots of work was done to make this car correct for a 71-72 Grabber, stripe notwithstanding.
yes alot of work went into it and he is asking alot of money...7K With that stripe, it will need to be repainted to make it "right" .... I'm not sure if its worth it... plus he is trying to tell me its a "real" grabber, I dont think so... anyway it is nice but not nice enough for me to lay down all that cash then have to repaint it and get rid of those rims too... at that point I'd have way too much invested in it.... what do you guys think?
If it's a real 71+ Grabber, the third and fourth numbers in the VIN will be 93. Standard 2 door Mavericks are 91. The very first number is the model year. If you can get the VIN we can say for sure what the car is.
I wonder if it's really the heater core leaking, or the dreaded rusted out cowl vent.....A set of chrome or silver metalic bumpers would set it off nicely.
Red Flags to NOT buy the car: 1. You don't like the stripe 2. Fresh paint...what is it hiding? 3. Painted bumpers. Lets face it, paint is cheaper than chrome. Where else were corners cut. 4. Says it is a REAL Grabber. What else is being falsely said about the car. 5. Mismatch of parts inside and out. 6. You really don't like the car.
IMO I agree with the guy's here for the money the car is to high. As for the year or if it's a grabber correct me guy's if i'm wrong. I have a rust free 75 shell & do mean shell I'm in the middle of turning it in to a 71. I recently bought a 71 donor car that has lots of rust but a complete car. So with that being said I was told the only quick way a purist can tell if my car is a 71 or a 75 is buy the strut towers in 75 or when they started doing it was reinforced across the lower part of the towers. As for the grabber should be in the vin. As was stated 1977 NO.... grabbers.
Then I would probably walk away. He's either lying about that, or lying about the year. What else is he lying about?
hmmm its been for sale since july, vin# starts off 7X91F He did put alot of work into it and that is why he is asking alot, said only reason he is selling because he is broke and old (near 70) and doesnt want to crawl around fixing sh!t anymore. he built this 3 years ago, brings it to shows in his area, said he only put 600 miles or so on it since the restore, heater core started leaking out of the AC condensate line onto the ground, noticed it was antifreeze and bypassed it, said didnt need anyway because he didnt drive it in the winter. I think I am going to walk on this one, too much money and I dont like the stripe.... I am going to pursue this 1971 Comet GT instead, I can probably get it for less than 4K >>>
7X91F, '77 NON Grabber Maverick (of course), built in Canada with a 302 V8. Craig hit it on the head. There are many other ways to tell as well, though once completed, you would really have to dig into the car to tell. From what I've seen, it was mainly just 73's that got the reinforced towers for some reason.