no just the wrong tires. the grabber got me through my poorest years but let me advance. a car payment would have buried me.
i bought my car with adjustable shackles and never had a problem that i know of. and i drive my car like the devils after me.burnout:
whats wrong with the shackles? i'm in the process of doing it myself. left side down, right side to go.
my money is on what bryant is saying because he knows his stuff.... you can strengthen the springs and roll the lips of the fenders and backspace\squeeze in rims, but if you do that and still rub you have to downsize or put in tubs to not break things...
ive only heard of the shackels causing the frame to twist. that is from people on this board. it does make sence. your are multipling the leverage that gets applyed to the frame in turns. also when ever i see long shackels, the leafs are always flat or even arched the wrong way. i had a freind who bought a 69 mustang and it had shackels on it so the huge tires that stuck out 2 inches on each side. they still would rub over any bump. the springs were in a reverse arch with the shackels. so he go new wheels and we cut the shackels down to stock length. we thought that we would have to get new springs but when the shackels were stock length the springs were arching the normal way again. i dont know why but it tells me that the shackels put to much load on the springs. the best way ive seen to correctly lift the rear of our cars is to build or have a custom leaf spring built. facelessnumber's research has shown that ford e series vans have leaf springs that fit in our cars. so if you dont want to spend the big bucks you can go junk yarding and get some of those to work with. you can mix and match the different leafs from both the mav and the van to achive what you want. rember that if you lift the rear, your shocks may end up being too short. ultimatly its your car and you have every right to do what you want to it.
275 something btw i got shackles today and installed them.. i do like them alot.. they are about 3 inches longer than stock
how wide are your rims? i have 10in wide on the rear and 255 tire it rubs a little if i hit a big bump on just one side of the car
i think they are 8 inch rims??? lol i know the tire is to big... mabey 10... does the tire happen to rub on the drivers side???