8-9-10-11...it took me ELEVEN seconds to navigate here,..... Now I'm at 21-22-23....OK, let's say I have been here an even 30 seconds. Bye! Chris
It's better if you mix it in the glass or pitcher and not swallow one then the other, goes down better and you might not spit it. I signed up then came back a couple of years later to brag about what I hadn't accomplished while I was gone. Hard not to check in a couple of times a day now.
I joined up right around the time TL got banned. :16suspect But that's just a coincidence, and anybody who says otherwise is a no-good Pinto lover.
Lurked many years before joining as I didn't have a Maverick at the time. When I bought my 5th in 07, I signed up and have been a supporting member since. I expect to do the same as long as Stefan will have me.
joined in 05 because that's when i found this place. not sure why it took me so long, guess im a bit of a n00b! i would have joined back in the days of bulletin board networking if it had been available to me.
My first post, that I found saved in the archives, was on August 17, 1998 and it was sandwiched right between 2 posts from T.L What a way to begin, huh?