Hi there Mavinator! I am right around the corner from you. I live in Dunedin. Looks like you made a good purchase on that engine stand. A friend of a friend had a 460 on a cheap 3 legger stand. He had to keep a chunk of 4x4 wedged under the crank snout because the stand was bowing. Then came the day that we moved him into a new shop. Very long story short ... the stand buckled and we had 700 lbs of angry big block chasing the 3 of us out of the U-Haul. It bounced three times (truck floor, truck bumper, shop floor) before cracking brand new concrete. Had all of us doing a finger- and toe-count, too. Fortunately no one was hurt. Scary! In retrospect it is funny now.
As cheap as the beefier 2000 lb fold up type stands are (paid $69.99 for mine), I'd just spend the little bit more and have something that's safer. I had bought that $39.99 Harbour Freight special as a second stand just to temporarily stick a Cleveland on, man was that thing wobbly, I gave it to the guy who bought the engine. I've had full iron BBF's on my 2000 lb stand, rock solid and safe to roll around, etc. In addition to a safe stand, I'd also get some good grade 5 bolts and washers to mount the engine.