Aww can you say that??? We all love Scoop. We just ain't gonna let him work on our heads!!!
Yeah...OK... Now that you guys are LAUGHING at my THIRD set of heads... I just painted my newest NON-ported GT40 heads and will install them tomorrow. Engine will be done tomorrow. Install into car maybe next week?
He got harassed this morning by Mike, Earl, and myself this morning. So, I think he took the day off. Heck, even my dad got in on him. Dad told that him that he was surprised Effie didn't come with him because he understood that she would rather go places with him than have to kiss him goodbye.
Johnny wanted me to bury him in his car too. i dont know, i was thinking about making a maverick ranch. I told him that if i die first and he has a choice, i want to be cremated and put in the passenger seat when he dies. then we will be driving to heaven in our maverick. Karen