Wilbur and I were without electricity for 3 days. It sure can get cold. I've lived here for 30 years and this is the first time we lost power for mjore than a few hours. I figure we'll be dead by the time it happens again! Wilbur stood at the front window yesterday cheering the cable guy on just so he could get his horsepower tv back asap. I think he was having withdrawal. I see Lonnie hasn't been on the board - he's in the Lima area and they were really hit. He may not have power yet!
I bought my generator two years ago during our last (before this one) ice storm. It was too late to save my fish, water was 40 degrees by the time I got the heat wired to the generator to warm the house back up. Generators were hard to find then too, but Home Depot got a shipment in and I was lucky enough to get one. Have used it several times since then, would not want to be without it. One important thing nobody has mentioned -- if you wire your generator to the breaker box, shut off the main so it doesn't feed out to the lines and kill the people working on them!!!
I couldn't imagine having to deal with that stuff as an adult...as a kid I lived in Pa. and it was great. It's been unseasonably warm here the last week or so. I have a generator for the hurricane season and when I use it I wire directly into the panels main breaker and only turn on what breakers I'm needing at the time...the rest I leave off.
I can see him now Craig is definitely right. I have a generator cause of my POS Maverick, but this fall we got major lightning and was without electric for 12 hours. I had my generator out in the backyard. Plug running to my house and 4 other neighbors, there in the way 98% of the time....but when you need it...its golden
I just feel for the folks in the Reno, NV area. They already have 19' of snow, and more expected today and tomorrow....about 5' more! Been lucky down here, hope it continues!
Some friends of ours from the hardest hit area of our ice storm came down yesterday to use our shower and do some laundrey. They had been without power since last Thursday and just got it back on late last night. They said every tree on thier property was sheared off from the weight of the ice. They live in a heavily forested area and now the entire landscape has been changed. There's so many trees down that it looks like a, quote: "War zone". This has been the worst ice storm anyone has seen in over 30 years. It seems like the entire country is getting slammed with rotten weather. My husbands brother lives in Las Vegas and even they got snow this year. Dale ( my husband) says that Mother Nature and Father Nature are having a knock down, dragged out fight and we are all paying the price for it. I wish they would just make up already.
Glad you made it thru Lonnie. Wilbur and I were worried about you. I kept thinking of those 2 small children and no heat! At least we didn't have small children to worry about. My daughter's roommate manages Speedway stations in Lima area and she was saying how bad it was your way. Wilbur was so relieved when daylight came and he could see nothing had hit his garage. He really didn't care how beat up our house was, just the Mavericks! How long till SPrint got your phone service up?
I would love a PA winter or an Indiana winter. Our high temp on Friday is projected to be -7f. High temp, no windchill. Blech.
It's been pretty rough around here lately too. I don't know if I can handle any more of these temperatures in the low 50's. You boys in the East have a hell of a storm headed your way. It's rained for over a week just about non-stop out here.
It's already here. We are supposed to get a few inches of snow tonight and, surprise, surprise.... more ice. But then the temps are supposed to get into the 50's by the end of the week. The weather here is just totally goofy .
Bad here!!!!! Only going to be 71 degrees today, with a little overcast. I'll let you all know if we can survive a winter like this. Can't remember a winter this mild, and I just hope that is doesn't turn ugly in Feb. and March.
Lonnie, yeah for Sprint. As of my last posting this morning, we had only a little over 800 people in your area still down. We all do really need a cookout, even if it is your cat. Maybe the weather will lcooperate. We can do it at your house one week and pick up the sticks and our house the next weekend, but bring chain saws! Susan