Recently roots blowers has been proven to be a lot more efficient than once thought, due to being a pull through design you get inter cooling effects from the fuel. Plus a small shot of nitrous for ADS ( anti detonation suppression) and hold on to your floor mats. We have 5 cars with centrifugal superchargers, Have two with roots, guess which two make the most power with less boost, So more power with less boost means more efficient, Right? I tune all the cars mentioned and one has no better tune than the other, all get from 17 to 22 mpg. There is no comparison to a roots type supercharger, Bar none.
Without a doubt... Thanks for doing that research for me, lots of good info. I couldn't search because I don't know the brand names, and when you start looking for "supercharger" or "blower" you start getting way off target pretty quick. When I have some time to sit and look into those products, I think I will have a much better idea what I want ("want", not "need" and definitly not "afford at this time" ) I just don't want to overcam or build my 331 with too much compression then have to back of. So I want to build my engine up so that it will accept the blower later on. One last question, can you open the hood by the hinges with a blower, or does it pretty much have to be a "lift off" setup...? I know someone will say "leave the hood off!!!" and I will probably agree
You can keep your stock hood and hinges. Just have to trim the opening to make sure it clears everything. Once the hood clears the blower pulley you're in good shape. My '71 Mustang had the stock hood on it and we had no problems clearing once we made the cuts. Only problem I had with that blower car was keeping tires on the damn thing. M/T N50/15 didn't hook worth a damn but they did great street burnouts.
Blown, I can see what someone said about accessing the distributor on your pictures. Is it really as hard to reach as it looks? I want to keep this final build to a mild 400 HP, 450 max. I want it to be reliable, and don't want to worry about splitting the block each time I gun it...Should have some really nice low-end torque throughout the rpm range.
I Have A 6-71, I Wanted To Show The Motor On Mine But For Some Reason It Shows Error When I Try To Down Load A Picture,. My Hood Also Flips The Oppisite Way, Though I Made My Hinges Lonnie Is Far More Advance Then I Am!!!!
okay guys i know this is old and all but i need some advice bellowe ive attached 4 links idk i fthis is a possible way to run a blower or not? its not to gain hp its to be a show car so im not worried unless i'll loos hp from this edelbrock air gapper intake holley street avenger carbhttp mr gasket scoophttp replacement for intake [ame=""] Edelbrock 7110 Street Tunnel Ram Intake Manifold: [/ame]
you have two seperat intakes listed there. they will not work togther. the airgap intake only uses one carb. the tunnel ram will need two carbs. the scoop you picked out is for a single carb. they have them for dual carbs. you can run a centrifugal blower with the air gap and a carb built to run with a blower. you cant run a roots type blower becasue it uses its own mainfold.
Wiend/Holley Listen to Blown 5.0, he knows what to do. I have a Wiend. Holley boost referenced carb, Snow Performance water/met injection. Keep cr around 8.5-9.0 and make sure to double key the crank. Benji can give you all the "experienced" know how . None of this is cheap though....expect to drop 4-5 k total to get a proper dependable set up in the car. Again..tap Blown 5.0s brain, he's been through all of this and knows what will and will not work well togeather.
Just to shed some light. With the 671 blower and the kit by dyers blowers, it has no problems with the distributor. Here is an example pic.