T.L., We've both been on this forum for a long time, and we've seen lots of changes over the years, and they have mostly all been for the better. Stefan keeps this a great place for us to discuss a variety of topics, and most of the time it is a friendly and informative place to be. That is not to say that we don't have disagreements and minor arguements from time to time. I think that when we do, we hash them out and move on. And that is what makes this such a great forum.....the ability to disagree and discuss, and move on. Holding grudges is for the Mustang and Chevy forums. They have some world class net-brawls, and lose a lot of people in the process. Hats off to us, all of us, for making this the best place on the net for our hobby. "earl hops off soapbox".
I would've posted yesterday, but I'm just getting over the shock of reading that T.L. wanted to say something positive. That was well thought out and stated post you made T.L. I agree and my hat's off to you.
Well said and I agree whole heartedly....I have gained so much insight and info for my project and the people in this community are real . So glad to be a part of the community....
We can all agree to disagree here, thats for sure. Some of those Mustang forums turn my stomach. Those are not true car guys IMO.
I would be completely lost without this site. One thing Of many I have learned form you guys that saved me one he-- of a lot of money. Kick downlinkiaged rusted enough to hold it in the kicked down position, that saved me a tranny rebuild, I know next to nothing about tranny's I could have been robbed blind for a can of wd-40. My transmission shifts like it is new. Also have learned a bunch about Mavs and Comets as cars in themsleves, their quirks their strenghts and weaknesses, I have headed of many repairs by preempting problems based on stuff learned here. I can't even put a value on you guys , this is the first year I may be able to get to a mini Meet I'll need to do that trip before a trip to KY. to be confident I can make it there I will enjoy meeting as many of you as I can!! Thanks Stephan ,
Definately hoping for '06 outside chance though. It really depends on next week, everything is going fine, except an electrical gremlin the car had when I bought it, hope to have that fixed next, it is in the column I believe. There is some kind of short. 2 symptoms, 1. if I start the car in park it won't shift out of park. I have to turn the key foward just before it eingages the starter, shift to neutral then start it up. My first thought was neutral switch, but I think when those are bad you have to jiggle the shifter just to get it to crank. 2. when I have it in drive I have to pull back on the shifter slightly to get the radio, blower, wipers and signals to work. I would love to get to the Round up this year but may settle for going to the OK regional ( thats the closest one to Des Moines).