Yeah, I understand. If it wasn't for all the dancing you do, you'd probably start losing your good figure. I got this picture of you back in April while we were at Fun Ford Weekend. I guess it's a good thing you're already married.
Anybody else notice it only took Terry 11 mins to post a pic of some klan members with torches?:16suspect It's almost like he didnt even have to search the net!
So Ray Is 85 Yrs Old? If So, I Could Only Hope To Look That Good If I Make It To 85. I Thought He Was Around 55-60
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Since I know Ray's real age, he is going to love your post.:Handshake
It came from the family phot album. Actually it was found doing a Google search of images and came form this site:
I finally got around to buying the explorer backing plates and calipers etc.... I will have this done very soon
what i would like is someone to do a complete how to on how to replace gears in the 3rd member.. i have a 3rd member outside that has 2.79 gears in it... if i knew how to replace the gears i could do that in my basement, save me some money and then take a day and replace the 3rd member and be a very happy man with new rims and tires too ... and as far as the 4 lug axles go, i am keeping my car a 4 lug car. simply because i dont have the facilites to convert... one day if i do decide.. then some lucky person on this forum will be able to buy my 4 lug rims.. and i am fairly certain there will always be someone loooking for 4 lugs rims for sale for use on a mav/comet