Read this: and this: It's fairly easy, you need the title for the car, fax a copy of that to the US Customs office where it's going to leave the USA, then when you go get the car, you have to stop at that same office, for them to inspect the car, then they will stamp some paperwork, then once back in Canada, you had to provide that paperwork to Canada Customs, then they will calculate the tax, and inspect the car. It's time consuming, and the paperwork needs to be faxed at least 72 hours before you show up, so they can run a check on the car, to make sure it's not stolen, or wanted for use in a crime.
RIV program doesnt apply to vehicles this age. 15 years and newer. Starting at this site is what lead me a stray. No Canadian programs or import procedures are needed except a simple form at the border coming home that you need to present at the Ministry to transfer the title. The RIV program targets safety issues and Canadian compliance. Air bags,DRL's,odometer reads KM's etc..... Its all US paper work for export. No year limit to this. It applies to all registered vehicles in the US. Not trying to be a know it all. Just been down this road and the Canadian site is mis leading to say the least. The Us customs agent laughed at my print outs from the Can. site. Totally wrong. Like i suggested stick with the us customs info for export. Its real simple. What Dave said.