The Buick Grand National fits the bill with a 245HP 3.8 turbo V6.
Here is the way I see it. Street Rod .. 1948 and earlier cars and trucks updated with newer technology Classic... The Classic Car Club of America designates which cars are deemed classics, no post war car has yet been given classic status Hot Rod... any car that has been modified to go faster, handle, and look better, or worse if the case may be Muscle Car... USA factory built cars from 1955-1972 ( dont forget those 55 Chrysler 300's) usually with high displacement engines and performance items from the manufacturer. Mostly mid to large in size. Pony Cars,, Mustangs, cudas, camaros, javelins, etc. Customs... Usually cars with heavy body modifications and incredible chrome and paint. No the Maverick is not a muscle car Just my opinion on this stuff Dan
Who cares? Muscle car or not, my mav sure can beat the hell outa a lot of the cars of the road. And i like it all the same. Seriously tho, its not a muscle car. -Todd
The Maverick was never intented to be a muscle car by definition, but that doesn't mean you can't take one and make it into a muscle car. One of the wildest things I ever saw was an AMC Pacer that was turned into a monster street machine. I'm sure AMC never had that in mind when they made them.
says Mercury Comet Only GTs and Cyclones are considered muscle cars would make a grabber a muscle cars then :bananaman
In my state, a Classic is considered to be anything 25 years old or older. They issue "Collector Series" license plates for them if you want. Although we know that "Muscle" began in 1955 (or a few years sooner if you want to include the 'Vette), 1962-1971 were officially considered to be the "muscle car years"...
Ohio is the same 25 years old classic we get historical plates if you want they are good 50 years for i think a little over 20 dollars shouldnt have to worry about them any more in my lifetime unless i live to be over 112 years old also can put year plates on them we have year plates on all 4 of our Mavs.
what title year plates did you put on your 1976 mavs? i have a 75 and have checking into it and the 1974 plates were carried over to 1975. think they would let me use the 74's?
That's wild. Here the Collector Series plates are good for 5 years and you have to pay for the 5 years in advance. Mine were about $130.00. They had to do that because before, they were so cheap that people were puting them on every old smoke-billowing, rusted out P.O.S. just so they could save money on plates and didn't have to deal with emissions testing. Colorado only wants to issue those plates to owners who are truely interested in restoring/preserving their old cars, not for junk heaps that pollute the environment, which really belong in the junk yard because the owner doesn't care about the car and has no intention of ever restoring it. Someone who's serious about their vehicle is going to pay the 100-plus dollars...
In Indiana....25 years old or older you can get a antique plate. $25 a year. We have no regular car inspections here in Indiana, but if you want an antique plate, the state police have to inspect your car the first time, and you are good to go year after year. I have had several cars inspected/plated this way. The state police are supposed to check out your car, make sure everything works, make sure it is structurally sound, etc. So far...none of them have ever done it the right way. It is always funny to have them come out and see what they will do.
yea but the only downfall is you cant just go cruising for the heck of it in ohio. has to be a reason for you to drive the is the rundown Registrant Eligibility: These plates may be issued to any Ohio motorist. The vehicle must be 25 years of age or older. It is a collector's vehicle used in participation in club activities, exhibitions, tours, parades, but NOT for general transportation. Type of Plates: Stock, reserved, or personalized plates inscribed with the words Historical Vehicle Ohio (personalized plates may now contain up to seven characters). Model Year Plates are also permitted. so basically you legally cnat drive your car anytime you want just when you are going back and fourth to shows and parades. think i will stick with the regualar plates for now
They are referring to the Comet GT's of the sixties - same body style and frame as the Fairlane. The Cyclones were originally an extension of the Comet family. In '68 or '69 the Cyclone became it's model, just a notch above the Montego (if I remember correctly). The Cyclone was a real muscle car. Watching Cale Yarborough and David Pearson in their Wood Brother's Cyclones made me want one. I priced one recently. They ain't cheap.
I with you on this, it really sucks!!! I have thought about going that route myself, but all you need is some cop to see you down at the Walmart or at the Post Office and decide to enforce the law. No thanks, it's not worth the headache or worry. Once you know how it works, it now makes sense when you see someone say in a 57' with regular plates that they want to be able to drive their car where and when they want. Then you will see people who have classic car plates who drive their car most of the summer, but I guess for me it's not worth the hassle of taking a chance and getting cited! Sorry for the rant, but it irks you when you realize these cars aren't driven year round anyways!