Sorry to hear that man. I went thru a divorce 4yrs ago. I have 2 girls, now 12 and 14. I do not get to see them every day, which sucks. But I do see them very often. Funny thing is when I do, its time we spend doing things we want to do. The fighting and the stress is gone now. It actually is a much healthier situation for me and my girls. I had to move into an apartment. I rented a garage. Difference is I did not get my car till after the divorce. Hang in there and if you put in the effort, things with your girls will be good.
Darren if I you lived closer would let you park it in my shop. I am glad to hear there is not negativity between you. Heck man, sounds like it might be worth working it out. I wish you all the best.
Darren, although we have never met in person you can get a feel of what a person is like from what they say and have said, I can feel your pain as this is one of the hardest curve balls in life that a man can have thrown at him, I have not experienced it in person but have 2 sons both with children that have gone through it and it was not easy for either of them and the separation was not a heated one like many are. I can tell you that time will heal the wounds and life will go on. As for your car you and your daughter bonded with it as a go between and perhaps to get rid of it at this point might not be a proper thing to do as it may just add more shock to a tense situation, something to consider at least. We are here for you, sometimes just talking to someone helps so feel free to talk away you can always send a pm or email my way :Handshake Sending a group hug your way
I went through it 12 years ago. It was the most difficult thing I have ever experienced. The chalenges differ from one situation to another but it is how you handle those chalenges that will in part effect the outcome of your relationships. I wish you well and encourage you to be the best person you can be for the kids and others. There are a lot of clechaes that you will hear from people that mean well, but don't truely understand. Good luck and keep moving forward one inch at a time. You will be in my prayers.
Darren, Sorry that you are going through a rough patch. Know that no matter what the outcome ... things will get better. Life does go on. Decisions you make now will shape that. Been through divorce myself, a long time ago ... you are in for many changes already. The more consistancy you can keep in your life, the more you can keep your sense of balance.... keep the car if you can. Money will always come and go ... that is what it is designed for. Hopes and prayers for you, brother. Maybe after some time, you two can sort things out. If not, new chapters in life can be amazing, too. My book is pretty long at this point, and I see a couple new ones writing themselves right now. Focus right now on what is best for you, your kids, and the situation as a whole, in that order. The details will fall into place as the unfold. Keep yourself really healthy ... stress will physically hurt you if you let it.
Darren, I don't have anything to offer but best wishes for everyone involved. Seeing pictures of you and your girls was really heart warming. I'm sure your relationship with them is a good foundation for whatever comes next. Sorry you and they have to go through some difficult times. What others have said about keeping the car, at least for a while, because its part of your relationship with the girls sounds right to me. If a place to keep it is the main issue, maybe you could rent a storage unit for a couple of months till things settle some and the right answer on the car is clearer. Jim
Darren, I wish the best to you and your family. Hope to see that everything works out and you don't have to sell the car. I look forward to Cruise night in Port Huron when I move back next year. Stay strong, attitude is the key. Mark
I don't have any experience to speak off but looks like a lot of great advice here so far. The time goes by so fast raising your kids, cherish every moment.
not trying to rub salt as I really do feel bad for the OP.. but sometimes there are those who have to go "through 2 wives and 4 girlfriends" simply because they value their cars over those relationships. It really boils down to the priorities of the individual and how they value the things that make up their everyday lives. And with that in mind.. I do sincerely believe that the OP has his priorities straight here. The car won't be there to take care of you when you are sick.
If storage is an issue Darren...I can store it for you. Granted it will be in a different country but, stored safely...