Satin Rustoleum ...that's what I used on my 71 Grabber. I couldn't find a nice NOS set of black ones ... bought an NOS set of regular ones and painted them.
The ones I took off are nice ... but I'll be painting them black for the car. The black ones I put on there for the picture are pretty rough although they don't look that way in the pic ...
I'm sure it is ... Those 74 bumpers and mounts gotta be between 150 and 200 lbs total. My driveway is not flat either so that may make a difference. Here is a before pic ... it is definitely sitting higher now compared to this picture.
Yeah ... I gotta pull that out before I head down to Hawko's to weld in the rear bumper support bracket. That way I can weld up the holes on the rocker I make with the dent puller.
Craig; speaking of the orange car, how's it progressing? Been a while since you posted any pics. Take care,