It's time for a supercharger . . .

Discussion in 'Technical' started by mashori, Oct 20, 2009.

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  1. greenwa1

    greenwa1 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    El Paso Texas
    72 Comet GT, 71 Maverick
    I have a 98 Mustang with a Kenne Bell on it, running 14lbs of boost, dyno'd at 570hp. Everything fits under the hood although I had to ad a cowl hood which is no biggie. I want to do something similar to my Comet. Thinking about about a small roots or Paxton.

    Any way you go tuning is a must. Of course you will make more power but I made 110 more with the proper tuning. If there are shops in your area with a dyno get to know them. My friends shop has a dyno and it was invaluable helping me get my combo right. Some shops are better than others so shop around. Just because they have a dyno doesn't mean they know how to really tune (been there done that).

    Think about your gearing also. I use to have 3.73 gears but with all the new power I switched to 3.31's. My car is a 5 speed and is great to drive. On the highway I can slip into 5th and set the cruise and get good gas mileage.

    A 331 is a great idea make sure your bottom end is built to take it. I would have blown up my engine if it was still stock. You WILL get on it with a supercharger you just can't help it:D
  2. Blown 5.0

    Blown 5.0 Hooked on BOOST MEMBER

    Feb 16, 2004
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    Don't give up all our secrets :D I wish KB made a Carbed blower, I love KB blowers we have one on a Lightning pickup.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2009
  3. Maverick Man

    Maverick Man The Original Maverick Man

    Mar 12, 2002
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    Two 1973 LDO Mavericks (one 4 Drag one 4 driving like Mad on the roads :) ) also have a 75 6cyl Stock! Ok, well sort of Stock :P
    man that is way good! man it must be only in Ohio or maybe roads are down hill? lol! j/k cuz my blown FI ls2 with a A4 overdrive gets only 18.5 avg. yeah it get 24mpg when you trip the computer when your on the fwy. i guess it's the way you calulate it! hum? my computer must be wrong or something? can't trust them computers!

    my NA maverick gets 6 avg, fwy worse with the 4:62s and the blown maverick i'm lucky if i get 8. i doubt fwy mileage wouldn't be much better! i MUST be doing something wrong!

    ditto! go EFI and you can! ;) i need more boost!
  4. Maverick Man

    Maverick Man The Original Maverick Man

    Mar 12, 2002
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    Two 1973 LDO Mavericks (one 4 Drag one 4 driving like Mad on the roads :) ) also have a 75 6cyl Stock! Ok, well sort of Stock :P
    i just want to be clear... was that Blown and your forgot to type "N"?? :biglaugh:
    3MTA3 now read that backwards!

    i never said you couldn't. i just want to know what i am doing wrong?

    yeah i know you said hwy the LS2 (not ls1) can get 24 when you drive cross state reset the computer right when you get on the hwy how often is that and how much of a reality is that to say i get 24 mpg... period. its NOT!

    and btw bring that car down here to so cal and you won't get 20mpg i promise you that on the hwy. because there is no place you can drive 300 miles without traffic. mashori is not in Ohio or BFE somewhere.

    i just want to be clear that when MPG comes in to factor, people are not misled that you can bolt on a blower and get 20 mpg hwy or not.

    your NOT in SO CAL. hence the only in ohio comment. i don't care where you drive around here it's not going to happen in a blown duel carbed car period 5 speed or not. getting on the hwy and driving 300 miles with no traffic and calculating your mpg is not reality. tell me when it is in real life? where we are that doesn't happen driving on the weekend or not. tell me otherwise. again 20 mpg is not a fair calculation to tell someone.

    hell i can get in to my work honda FIT and drive to las vegas calculate when i get on the fwy and say i get 50 on the hwy. is that reality? yes when driving to LV in 5th gear at70 mph. but how often is that going to happen? honda states 33 mpg why not 50? why? well that is because 50 mpg is not a real number reality number. take the chevy volt for example can you tell me for real that that car gets 200+ mpg.... well yeah if you calculate it out to make it work to your befit.

    all i ask is when someone asks you what kind of mpg you get give a real reality number. like…. i get 20 mpg on the hwy with no traffic, never going into boost, never stopping, driving like a pansy in fifth gear and remember I have 33 inch tall tires with a such and such gear! rather then i get 20 mpg hwy! come on now lonnie? really you can’t i’m wrong?

    so i guess my answer would be put 5 speed in your car tub it four link with 33 inch tall tires and then you’ll get 20 mpg not top of the price of the blower. problem solved!
  5. Stefan

    Stefan Big Cheese Administrator

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Montreal, QC

    Is such language required? Please use better tact when posting on the forums.
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