His hair was a little longer when I met Dave in Knoxville a couple of weekends ago, but I believe he was wearing the same clothes.:16suspect He must've washed 'em since that first breakfast because I didn't notice that they were particularly stiff or stinkin'.
Yes that shiney blower will be there not to mention Lonnie Glad to hear you are getting that other car going too
you got to wear your maverick shirt whenver doing anything related to it....besides, Dave is like me and that is "dressing" up!
Golden Corral 4750 E Main St Whitehall, OH 43213 its about 15-20 min from the swap meet hows this sound ??? http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?&addr=4750%20E.%20MAIN%20ST.&csz=WHITEHALL,OH&country=us','GCLocatorMap','width=600,height=600,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes')
Hey guys I will have to say that I will probably not be able to make this one....... I am sure that it is going to break everyones heart....but you all will pull through
well it will break mine ....you always bring good stuff with you...... and your pretty good company as well
Im not strong enough can't...................go...................on............ NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok back to reality wish you could make it but thats life.
Originally it was sunday I can't do saturday. However if you guys want saturday thats cool. I will just catch you all at the roundup.